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You are an Evil Dead Zombie. The spirits of the
dead took over your body in a lonely cabin, and
now it's your job to kick some Ash ass. Sadly,
while you'll succeed in beating the bejeezus
out of Ash repeatedly, he will ultimately wipe
you from existence. You can only be killed by
bodily dismemberment.
What kind of Zombie are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
No one, if you aren't on my friends list I probably hate you or will someday hate you.
The Reverend Horton Heat The Cramps Tiger Army Mad Sin The Meteors The Clash The Damned The Ocean Blue Strung Out Face to Face The Smiths Elvis Stray Cats The Dead Milmen T.S.O.L Eddie Cochran Gene Vincent Wanda Jackson Hank Williams Sr Johnny Horton Dropkick Murphys Wolfe Tones The Clancy Brothers, Sound Garden Ministry Janes Addiction The Replacements The Beat Farmers Grey DeLisle I could go on and on but you get the idea
The Boondock Saints,Evil Dead, Army of Darkness, Star Wars, Fight Club, Team America, Starship Troopers, Suburbia,Hellboy, Underworld, Dracula the Francis Ford Copola one, The God Father, Good Fellas, Casino, The Usual Suspects, Pulp Fiction, Resevoir Dogs, Jackie Brown, Kill Bill.
Jesus,John Wayne, King Richard the Lion Hearted, Hunter S Thompson, Johnny Bravo