Computers (PC DOS ("check the Config.sys in the DOWAS setup... You hit CTRL AWALT... on the KEYBOAWRD it's AHWA-SOME)), Linux and Mac.. although I'm definitely leaning towards Mac since I got one)
Making Noises over and over again at the request of my loved ones. The 1950s /60s, Pop-art, Pez Dispensers, Old War Propaganda Posters, Experimental Music, VideoGame music. Indie Films, morals. . Circuit bending (IE. taking children's toys apart and modifying them to make them into musical instruments through "creative short circuiting").
I don't need to meet anyone... My current friends are enough. You can talk to me below if you want.
The Music Genome Project.
Venetian Snares, Enoch Light, Nat King Cole, Terminal11, Daedalus, Dntel, Dub Narcotic Sound System, Enon, Modem, Bjork, Portishead, Wisp, The Flashbulb, AphexTwin, SquarePusher, Bodenstandig 2000, 8-bit Videogame Composers,
I Heart Talk Box
I don't know why but I like cheesy movies where the main character or multiple characters break the rule of the 4th wall, and talk to the audience.
Star Wars (gotta admit classic trilogy was better), Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind, The Matrix (only the 1st one). Fight Club, 12 Monkeys, Being John Malkovich, Adaptation, What Dreams May Come, AI, Back to the Future. Short Circuit, Crouching Tiger, Amelie.
Invader Zim, Ren and Stimpy, The Simpsons, Family Guy, Animaniacs, Looney Tunes, Garfield, Ducktales. (wow i just noticed that all I like is cartoons)Arrested Development, Scrubs
1984, The Twits, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Dirk Gently, Dr. Rat, The Fan Man
I really don't know. I don't have any heroes in the "Mariah Carey Song" sense of the word. I certainly don't look up to my father, or any of the people who were supposed to be role models (teachers, coaches, rulers of countries etc..) I guess I look up to artists. People who think outside the box. My friend Mike is a musical genius. I guess i look up to him although i wouldn't say he's my hero or anything. Oh and where would I be without my mother. I guess she's my hero. Yeah that's it... my good friends, and my mom... those are my only heroes.