WidgetPhreak profile picture


I Plagiarize Life

About Me

WidgetPhreak, Site: Gameboy Games ..
Warning!!! If you came here looking for info about "Widget the World Watcher" then you suck... that little alien cartoon character was Big Gay... (curse the usurper of my name... or at least 1/2 of my name)
I'm a Boring Old White Guy who Loves Gameboy, Atari, and other Ancient games. I Love Videogame Music too. I make Videogame Music.
I'm a Nerd (ya think?!?!)
I used to be pretty artistic.
I'm not really much of a gamer, but I am into Manipulating Video Game Systems into doing things that they weren't originally intended for.

I'm excited by people with Good Musical Taste (see the side panel for my musical taste) I'm obsessed with obscure electronic music, I'm way to moral (although My morals aren't based on religion). I'm a nice guy, really...
I'm not into cars, or money. I mostly wear T-Shirts and Dickie's (the kind that actually fit me, and have cargo pockets to hold the ridiculous amount of Widgets that I carry with me). I'm a riot, A Party waiting to happen.
I also have no goals.I have a staring problem. Apparently I'm also creepy.

My Interests

Computers (PC DOS ("check the Config.sys in the DOWAS setup... You hit CTRL AWALT... on the KEYBOAWRD it's AHWA-SOME)), Linux and Mac.. although I'm definitely leaning towards Mac since I got one)

Making Noises over and over again at the request of my loved ones. The 1950s /60s, Pop-art, Pez Dispensers, Old War Propaganda Posters, Experimental Music, VideoGame music. Indie Films, morals. . Circuit bending (IE. taking children's toys apart and modifying them to make them into musical instruments through "creative short circuiting").

I'd like to meet:

I don't need to meet anyone... My current friends are enough. You can talk to me below if you want.


The Music Genome Project.

Venetian Snares, Enoch Light, Nat King Cole, Terminal11, Daedalus, Dntel, Dub Narcotic Sound System, Enon, Modem, Bjork, Portishead, Wisp, The Flashbulb, AphexTwin, SquarePusher, Bodenstandig 2000, 8-bit Videogame Composers,

I Heart Talk Box


I don't know why but I like cheesy movies where the main character or multiple characters break the rule of the 4th wall, and talk to the audience.

Star Wars (gotta admit classic trilogy was better), Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind, The Matrix (only the 1st one). Fight Club, 12 Monkeys, Being John Malkovich, Adaptation, What Dreams May Come, AI, Back to the Future. Short Circuit, Crouching Tiger, Amelie.


Invader Zim, Ren and Stimpy, The Simpsons, Family Guy, Animaniacs, Looney Tunes, Garfield, Ducktales. (wow i just noticed that all I like is cartoons)Arrested Development, Scrubs


1984, The Twits, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Dirk Gently, Dr. Rat, The Fan Man


I really don't know. I don't have any heroes in the "Mariah Carey Song" sense of the word. I certainly don't look up to my father, or any of the people who were supposed to be role models (teachers, coaches, rulers of countries etc..) I guess I look up to artists. People who think outside the box. My friend Mike is a musical genius. I guess i look up to him although i wouldn't say he's my hero or anything. Oh and where would I be without my mother. I guess she's my hero. Yeah that's it... my good friends, and my mom... those are my only heroes.

My Blog

Open Shutter Photography

So a couple of weeks ago I got a new camera that I'm really pleased with, and started taking all kinds of photos with it.I've found that one of my favorite things to do is to try and incorporate movin...
Posted by WidgetPhreak on Tue, 16 Oct 2007 07:15:00 PST

California knows how to Party

By Noon Adam, Val and I were finally on the road to California.After a few hours we had to stop and use the restroom.We came to a dilapidated old Gas Station in the middle of nowhere.There were about ...
Posted by WidgetPhreak on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 04:07:00 PST

New Camera and Photography Fun

About a week ago Adam got a new Camera.I was so impressed by it that I decided to get one myself.It's a Canon Powershot SD750.I've had it for about 24 hours now... and I'm really enjoying it... I've n...
Posted by WidgetPhreak on Fri, 05 Oct 2007 08:55:00 PST

3 brand new tracks!!!!!

I just Finished 3 new tracks.I don't think they are as good as some of my older tracks, but I needed more music for this rave that I'm playing at this Saturday.All Tracks were made on a Gameboy with L...
Posted by WidgetPhreak on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 12:29:00 PST

My Ghetto Talk Box

Check It out...Ghetto Talk Box!!! **UPDATE** ** I added a video of how to make on of these to myspace videos and youtube ** I also took a cleaner recording so if you've already liste...
Posted by WidgetPhreak on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 04:02:00 PST

Sleepy Day, Homme Lounge

I ended up going to bed really early in the morning today (like 8am)I slept until 5pm, then I got up and needed to go out and shop for a birthday gift for my mom.After I got my moms gift I ate lunch/D...
Posted by WidgetPhreak on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 05:49:00 PST

New Tunes

I added some new Tunes to the Song player on my page.They are all Songs that I covered on the Gameboy.Undead Country,Happy Birthday,Smells Like Gameboy, &Raveos Rancheros-=share and enjoy=- ...
Posted by WidgetPhreak on Wed, 04 Jul 2007 08:17:00 PST

The Gameboy music live on

I just ordered one of these (down below), to replace all the writable Gameboy carts I have lost/had stolen from me.Vvv2 Gameboy 32MB writable carts + CopierI will be able to perform Gameboy music once...
Posted by WidgetPhreak on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 04:31:00 PST

Free Clothes!!!

After work today I went over to John Smiths and started doing my laundry.While the laundry was going we went to Waffle House and had hamburgers, hash browns, and sweet tea.After dinner we put the clot...
Posted by WidgetPhreak on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 01:14:00 PST

All I want for Christmas

If I had one of these I could make music again...>...
Posted by WidgetPhreak on Sat, 16 Dec 2006 04:40:00 PST