My Wife and Son.. Ratbastard on Suicide Girls , Jim Beam Bourbon,The Fucking Devil, Computers, Guitar, Tattoos, Electronics, Cooking, My new family, our 600 pets, Punk/Skinhead Culture (non - Hot Topic variety)I was there.... You probably weren't.
I'd like to meet:
No one.... Meeting people is over rated.
I do however have an affection for chubby underage punker chicks who wear too much makeup... "Cutters" rule if you can deal with the "Barnacle Effect"... You just have to listen to thier shitty poems and half assed suicide
attempts. It's the girl equivalent to you making her listen to your shitty demo tape.
Old School Punk and Hardcore (1975-90), The Who, Johnny Cash ,Motorhead, Hank III, Pink Floyd, Radiohead, Murder Junkies, The Wayward fuckin' Drifters. I hate Ska though... Ska Sucks (Skanks are for Fuckin', not dancin') ..
Quadrophenia, Japanese Miike Ultraviolence, Kubrick, Miyizaki, Pixar, Anime, anything unusual. We have over 1200 DVD's ,so name it....
The Sopranos, Mr Show, Most Adult Swim, Lost, SNL, Iron Chef, Hells Kitchen, Stankervision, Lots of shitty reality TV. Simpsons.
Kitchen Confidential, Englands Dreaming, Lords of Chaos, Geek Love, ANSWER ME!, Banned in DC, Dance of Days, any Stephan King, Micheal Gira,or John Stienbeck
Yucko the Clown, Allisa Warnke, Jim Beam, Ian McKaye, Hank Rollins, GG Allin, H.R.Hudson, Anthony Bourdaine, Chen Kenichi, Spike Cassidy, Greg Ginn, Tesco Vee, Ann (and Bob) Denbow, Jim Goad, Ted Fuckin' Nugent