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About Me

Nuevo video // New Video: 6pm - Vista - by 77pandas

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Every now and then, the intimacy of the bedroom comes up with a perfect recipe for delicious electronic pop. Fresh hand-picked rhythms and digital delights stirred by sweet guitar melodies and playful vocal harmonies offer an excellent combination that will please the most demanding ears. If we flavour it with a measure of the warm sound of the trumpet, we can be sure we've found a unique listening experience.

2003 - a fortuitous encounter in the Conservatory of Santiago de Compostela leads Raul Mon and Ivan Oubiña to meet again one sunny afternoon to explore their musical affinities. After a couple of demos, last August they finish recording on their home studio their most ambitious work so far, "Far from perfect", a scent of the refined Morr cuisine simmering on an electronic base.

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Nacidos en 2003 de un encuentro fortuito en el conservatorio de Santiago y debido a sus afinidades musicales, Raul Mon e Ivan Oubiña, deciden juntarse una tarde para intentar dar salida a sus inquietudes a traves de un portátil y seis cuerdas. Tras un par de maquetas deslumbrantes, en Agosto de este mismo año, ya instalados en su estudio casero de A Coruña , terminan la grabación de su primer disco Far From Perfect, donde las bases electrónicas cobran mayor presencia dejándonos con un regusto a la alta cocina de Morr Music.

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Contacto/Contact: sixpostmorning [arroba] gmail.com

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FAR FROM PERFECT Out now / Ya a la venta
+"..Far From Perfect.. supone todo un soplo de aire fresco en un panorama en el que no abundan precisamente las propuestas de este tipo" - Popmuzik.es
+"En 6PM se canta jodidamente bien, y eso aquí en España se hace con los dedos de la mano" - Popchild.com
+"Como Skimo pero mejor"- Jenesaispop.com
+"Juegan en una liga que traspasa nuestras fronteras" - Desconcierto.com
+"Son todavía mejores de lo que creíamos" - Maumaunderground.com
+"Definitivamente este es el disco que debes regalar a los que aprecias estas navidades. Y posiblemente las navidades de los próximos 10 años." - Sono-tone.net
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My Interests


Member Since: 11/29/2005
Band Members: Ivan Oubiña : voice, drums, programming and bass guitar ////// Raul Mon : voice, guitars, keys and winds
Sounds Like: Hood, Postal Service, Lali Puna, L'altra, Khonnor, Sigur Ros, Blonde Redhead, Mice Parade, 13 & God, Four Tet, Bright Eyes, Fog, Radiohead, Playdoh

Record Label: Junk
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Estamos vivos!! // We’re alive!!

Aunque más de uno pensara lo contrario, 6pm no han estado hibernando en el Nepal durante estos últimos 6 meses. La verdad es que muchas cosas (buenas y malas) han pasado en este tiempo, y que el grupo...
Posted by 6pm on Mon, 30 Jun 2008 02:49:00 PST

Nuevo Video // New Video

Desde hace un par de días podéis ver en la home de myspaceTV y en nuestro perfil el nuevo video de "Vista", el tema que abre nuestro disco "Far fro...
Posted by 6pm on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 08:23:00 PST


El mes de Noviembre viene cargadito de conciertos en Galicia y Portugal, con fechas en 3 de las 4 provincias gallegas y el norte del pais luso. Por lo demás comentar que estamos trabajando en las nuev...
Posted by 6pm on Sat, 13 Oct 2007 04:38:00 PST

No vamos a Eurovisión.. // We're not going to Eurovision...

...pero sí tocaremos en algún que otro festivalillo veraniego. Arrancamos el mes de Agosto con el Artenativa, un festival gratuíto cerca de Pontevedra en el que se citarán algunos de los mejores grupo...
Posted by 6pm on Sat, 21 Jul 2007 03:21:00 PST


We've uploaded all of the songs from "Far from Perfect" to our last.fm profile. If you've never heard about it, it's a music recommendation social network, and it's ace. It's becoming the best music d...
Posted by 6pm on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 01:59:00 PST

6pm to Primavera Sound!! // 6pm al Primavera Sound!!

For those of you lucky enough to go to the Primavera Sound festival taking place in the first weekend of June in Barcelona: See you there!!It's amazing to be on the same line up as bands like Sonic Yo...
Posted by 6pm on Fri, 02 Mar 2007 02:20:00 PST

We are on itunes! / Estamos en el itunes!

From this week you will be able to buy our songs no matter where you are as our album "Far from Perfect" is now on itunes. It took a while but we are a little bit closer to all of you now.You can go t...
Posted by 6pm on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 10:49:00 PST

6pm's Birthday / Cumpleaños de 6pm

Yesterday our myspace became one year old. We were so drunk with the celebrations that we completelly forgot to write about it and say THANKS. It's been a great year for 6pm and this myspace: the...
Posted by 6pm on Thu, 30 Nov 2006 08:05:00 PST


Here we intend to collect all sorts of media about us on the www. Videos, photos, articles, reviews, interviews, blogs posts, etc. If you happen to come across something that isn't listed, please let ...
Posted by 6pm on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 09:16:00 PST

News / Novedades

Finally, "Far from Perfect" is out in Spain. You should be able to find it in Fnac, Tiendas Tipo, Gong and other specialised shops. As far as we know, there's an agreement to distribute it also in the...
Posted by 6pm on Fri, 20 Oct 2006 04:36:00 PST