Raquel profile picture


You make a stranger a lover and a lover a stranger.....Under different circumstances, I could admire

About Me

    The heart will insist to lead... and we will insist to follow.
        No matter where you go, i will find you. If it takes a thousand years.
            Current mood
              Into the sea of waking dreams I follow without pride
                A good traveller has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving.Lao Tzu (570-490 BC)
                I love art. Painting with acrylics & oil has been such an incredible form of self expression for me. When I paint I feel elated. Takes me to an entirely different place emotionaly and mentally, I'm very passionate about it. I live for all types of music. When it's live, its amazing. I enjoy all different kinds of literature. I adore spending time with my beautiful and rambunctious daughter. I love taking care of my family. I've lost people very dear to me and my brother is the reason I keep forging ahead. I thoroughly believe in taking time to smell the roses. I'm extremely loyal to the people that Im close to. Friends and family have become my strength through every hardship. Nothing I wont do for someone I care about. I've learned to appreciate and value this immensely. I love a GOOD LAUGH!! Probably the single most important thing in life! Humor is essential!!!
                "Do not go where any path can lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." -Ralph Waldo Emerson
                    Life, the greatest journey; begun before we were even born.
                      Lest we forget.... how fragile we are
                            I too have been weeping for her.. she is all but gone.
                              We stood alone in the stone chapel with halls as high as the nave. How grand it seemed. A narrow holy place
                                  Love, sweet surrender
                                      Tomorrow's rain wash these things away; some things in our minds will always stay.

                                              My Interests

                                                Two roads diverged in the woods, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference. -Robert Frost, The Road Not Taken

                                                good foreign films . beach sand and driftwood . the smell of pastry shops in the winter . red wine (acquired taste) . knowing random pieces of factional information . artisans . brie without the rind. any thrill you cant buy . the sweet scent of my grapevines when I lived in the country . my daughter playing when she doesn’t know I’m watching . looking at the moon . the thought of you . the perfume of Washington State Evergreens after freshly fallen rain . anyone who can make me laugh . lighthearted fools . integrity . cooking . the smell of wet dirt after the unmerciful ravages of the Texan sun . writing whatever . italians . my two pound Yorkie who has selective hearing . anyone willing to be spontaneous with me at the drop of a dime is ok in my book . where the hell did that phrase come from anyways? a marvelous cup of fresh ground coffee . graphic art . living passionately . impersonations . warriors . good companions . quaint art galleries on rainy days . beadwork . being in the present moment . Canada . contemplation . movie nights at my house . dislike mediocrity . a purple haze cosmopolitan like only Seattle makes . all truths hidden in what cannot be seen . -RC

                                                No one's picking up the phone. Guess it's me and me........ & this little masochist... she's ready to confess.... all the things, that i never thought That she could feel.-Tori Amos
                                                    What a strange and beautiful creature. I wonder if she feels...
                                                    True beauty is seen in ones spirit
                                                    Pain.... Unreconciled..
                                                    If my heart is soaking wet, boy your boots can leave a mess.
                                                    Humble is the way to meet your burdens, no matter how heavy or dark the day.
                                                    I .. . will wait for you. - Raquel

                                                    I'd like to meet:

                                                    Frida Khalo

                                                      Although no longer living, she remains a historical icon. An embodiment of strength and genuine tenacity. Her art was raw and ahead of its time. Her paintings were real and autobiographical. She suffered most of her life and managed to turn her pain into tangible beauty.
                                                      A Few Pictures To all of my family and dearest friends near and far. (You know who you are) you, who have been and continue to be so generous, thoughtful and caring. Thank you to each and every one of you for inscribing and etching a page in my personal history that I will never forget. I have kept and ran my fingers across things that you've given me, keepsakes, trinkets and tokens. Pieces of you, that are now pieces of me. I want you all to know... I viscously cherish every odd ball thing reminds me of you. I appreciate you for who you are without restraint. I acknowledge & thank you all for the beautiful contributions you've made in my life. I am sincerely greatful!

                                                        Cool Slideshows

                                                          Cool SlideshowsMy Favorite song of all time. Thank you baby.


                                                            Cool Slideshows