The heart will insist to lead...
and we will insist to follow.
No matter where you go, i will find you. If it takes a thousand years.
Current mood
Into the sea of waking dreams I follow without pride
A good traveller has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving.Lao Tzu (570-490 BC)
I love art. Painting with acrylics & oil has been such an incredible form of self expression for me. When I paint I feel elated. Takes me to an entirely different place emotionaly and mentally, I'm very passionate about it. I live for all types of music. When it's live, its amazing. I enjoy all different kinds of literature. I adore spending time with my beautiful and rambunctious daughter. I love taking care of my family. I've lost people very dear to me and my brother is the reason I keep forging ahead. I thoroughly believe in taking time to smell the roses. I'm extremely loyal to the people that Im close to.
Friends and family have become my strength through every hardship. Nothing I wont do for someone I care about. I've learned to appreciate and value this immensely. I love a GOOD LAUGH!! Probably the single most important thing in life!
Humor is essential!!!
"Do not go where any path can lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Life, the greatest journey; begun before we were even born.
Lest we forget.... how fragile we are
I too have been weeping for her.. she is all but gone.
We stood alone in the stone chapel with halls as high as the nave. How grand it seemed. A narrow holy place
Love, sweet surrender
Tomorrow's rain wash these things away; some things in our minds will always stay.