On-line RPG's, computers, Cub/Boy Scouts, Brownie/Girl Scouts, piano, drawing/art
a Slytherin!
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Commonly known as SexGod!Draco, you are usually bisexual. You are horny as hell, and gorgeous as heaven, and you take advantage of both of these things to have sex with ten different people in one chapter of one fic. You are cheerful and very open about your lust. It is rare that a threatening Voldemort-type plotline will come into your story. And...did I say you were horny?
Find out which Draco you are.
The Harry Potter Personality Quiz
You're Draco Malfoy! You enjoy being the centre of attention, and like to surrond yourself with people who have as high an opinion of you as you have of yourself. A little materialistic, a little sneaky (okay, a LOT sneaky), you look great in Slytherin green.
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Who's Your Daddy?
Girlfriend, you are the meaning of expensive taste! Your Daddy is the utterly luscious, most wickedly blonde vixen of the wizarding world, Lucius Malfoy. Sure he's a bastard, but he's also sex in boots, and he's as rich as they come. So what if he probably beats you, he'll buy you chic Chanel sunglasses to say he's sorry.
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!!!~What Harry Potter Fan Fic Ship Are You?~!!!
You are a Harry & Draco Shipper!
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Which Harry Potter Guy are you Most Compatible with?
Your best match is Draco!
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I'd like to meet:
Trent Reznor, Tom Felton, Daniel Raddcliff, Jason Isaacs, Rick Springfield, Linda Carter, Gwen Stefani, Gillian Anderson, David Duchovney, Tilda Swinton, Johnny Cash
Nine Inch Nails, Genitorturers, Korn, Prong, Johnny Cash, Eminem, Lords of Acid, Gwar, Type-O-Negative, Gwen Stefani/No Doubt, Godsmack, Marilyn Manson, Orgy, Fall Out Boy, Nightwish, Hank Williams Jr... width="425" height="350" ..
Harry Potter (all four movies), Natural Born Killers, The Exorcist, House of 1000 Corpses, Resident Evil (both movies), Child's Play/Bride of Chucky, The Craft, Miss Congeniality (both movies), Scary Movie (1,2 &3), The Rocky Horror Picture Show, The Water Boy, Poison Ivy, American Psyco, Saw I & II, Dead End, Walk The Line, The Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, The Ring, Nightmare on Elm Street series, Dolls, Twin Peakes 'Fire Walk With Me', Shaun of The Dead, PumpkinHead, Edward Sissorhands, Ed Wood, Interview With A Vampire/Queen of The Damned, Titanic, The Shining, The Hills Have Eyes, Children of the Corn, The Devil's Rejects, Videodrome, A Clockwork Orange, Scanners, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (old and new), House, Seven, American Werewolf in London (& Paris), The Blair Witch Project
.. width="425" height="350" ..
The X-Files, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Robot Chicken, Family Guy, Ed Edd & Eddy, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Futurama, Sealab, Will & Grace, Zena, Pee-Wee's Playhouse, Brotherhood, Twin Peakes
American Psyco, The Harry Potter Series, Live Girls, The Chronicles of Narnia, Cugo, It, The Diary of Ann Ryn, Bram Stokers Dracula
Wonder WomanCURRENT MOON lunar phases