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The Don of Dons


About Me

Hmm, about me? I guess I’d really have to know myself to be able to write "about me" but I’ll give it my best shot! Ok well first of all My name's Nathanial William Orion Sango Chesner (I Blame My dad) Some explanations might shed some light, Nathanial Comes from the Hebrew word "nathanael" which means "gift from god", William is my late grandfathers name (respect), Orion is my constellation and also the Greek hunter which symbolizes protection and providing, SanGo is Japanese for "song of creation", and last but not least Chesner was a name completely made up by the Emerson family after they fled from Sweden during the revolution...
Whew, now that that's out of the way I guess you want to know about me. First of all three things rule my life COMPASSION, STRENGTH, and CHANGE. I believe that compassion is unconditional love, and without love in any form, life wouldn't be would just be existing, and that's cold.
"the hardest people to love are the people that need it the most"
Strength is a must if you really think you're going to make it in life (the strength to be free, the strength to forgive, the strength to be you).
"sometimes you have to lose yourself before you will ever be able to find yourself"
Nothing ever stays the same; everything is constantly changing even though sometimes we might not notice it. It's not a bad thing it's a part of the cycle of life, like they say "out with the old and in with the new"... but that doesn't mean we have to forget where we come from or the people who helped us along the way.
People say that I’m a good person, I try to be.
I like to listen more than I actually like to talk; I only speak when I have something important to say.
I think you should look people in the eyes, or else you will never actually see them.
"our eyes are the windows to our souls"
Women should be treated like diamonds for that is what they are, precious. They give us the love that we need to keep on living, and the strength to love them back, but then again I’m the type of guy that would kiss your forehead.
I like hugs, a lot, I think they are on of the most open expressions of love and symbolize embracement, that you'll be there if they need a shoulder to cry on or a finger to wipe away those tears.
True friends are loyal and respect you for who you are instead of judging you for your faults they will praise you for being you! I'm a very loyal person; I would give my life to save a friend in a heartbeat. I try to be selfless even though at times I may not be, hey no one's perfekt :)
I know a few languages and have got some experience under my belt in the world; I know Italian, Spanish, some Bulgarian... I’ve studied Latin and even though as strange as it sounds I understand French most of the time. I've lived in the U.S.A., Italy, and Bulgaria. But I plan to visit every country in the world before I die.
Some people might be afraid of death but I say don't be scared, and do not mourn those who die or miss them for they will be with you forever, rejoice that they have rejoined true life and by their death something else will be born.
I can't stress enough how much respect really means to me, if someone does not respect me then they shall expect to get the same in return, I let no one tread on me and stand tall.
"you will never be better than someone, for this you will never be worse"
I'm an animal lover (to live is to be aware of all life, to live well is to respect it) I think they are man's companion in life and no one should hate them. I also love nature and the beauty of it continues to surprise and amaze me.
I'm an Aquarius Capricorn cusped (that means I was born the controversial day between the two) so I am creative and extroversive, I love selflessly, and live unflinchingly. I think art is interesting and I guess from what people say I’m good at it. Painting, drawing, sculpting, photography, etc. etc.
I've got my heart broken a lot and probably will let it get broken a hundred times over, never give up on love because that will be the day you give up on life too.
I try to help people, not put them on the right path but help them decide which is right for them.
"it is not important the destination, but the journey on the path to personal perfection"
sometimes I think mankind has lost its way... people have stopped loving life, only because it starts getting harder for them to see the good in it, and trust me there is always good.. we keep killing ourselves, over and over again... stop the conflict, stop the pain, and start loving and helping one another.
I hope this has been enough o give you a general idea of who I am, but if it wasn't then just message me skype (don.of.dons) yahoo (cheshercat420) windows live ([email protected])
"for I shall prosper in love, for it gives me the strength to live"

My Interests

Rock n' Roll all night and party everyday!!!

I'd like to meet:

Honestly I'd like to meet People who are freeminded like me and extroversive, People who see the world for what it is and aren't blinded by their "I'm the best" bullshit.View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment

My Twin Vanessa is the best!!!


The Don of Dons is back in the lab workin on a new album... i'm back!


Fight club, queen of the damned, the lord of the rings, slevin, underworld, skin walkers, interview with a vampire,blood and chocolate, blade 1,2,3, (all the disney movies)


the simpsons, the family guy, south park, Futurama, mythbusters, the sopranos, lost , smallville, battlestar gallactica, stargate sg-1...


anything from eddings, piers anthony, jrr tolkein, confucious


I have a twin, her name is vanessa. She is the light in my life, i would do anything just to see her smile. we've been apart for a long time now... And i hate it. but i'll be going back to cali soon and i Plan on adopting her. (My mother is a real bitch) so that way we can be 2gether. She is unique in every way, and growing up so fast. She's smart (alot smarter than me) she has values that she holds fast to and knows how to make me smile even when i'm depressed. we have our own secret language (and still use it) We we're joined at the hip until my mother shipped me out of the house to my dad's place, we did everything together. she's the missing piece to the jigsaw puzzle called nathanial. my better half. I miss you Nessa, and love you more than life itself!

My Blog

The Dream and the nightmare, who is she??

I keep having a dream about a blonde girl, I do not know her name and she does not speak to me, the dream is of the inside of a van, we are being taken somewhere, and when she comes closer to kiss me ...
Posted by The Don of Dons on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 11:32:00 PST

philosophy 5

pain Pain is only a reaction, but after time reactions can become withered by expierience. is that overwhelming suffering what keeps us going, is it that without depression, sorrow, broken hearts, flo...
Posted by The Don of Dons on Thu, 16 Aug 2007 09:06:00 PST

3 Gifts for a kind heart

  Faith It is not of importance for one to believe in higher beings or thousand year old texts that elucidate miraculous happenings or fantastic feats, but for one to have faith... fait...
Posted by The Don of Dons on Sun, 12 Aug 2007 06:56:00 PST

If the world stopped turning...

If the world stopped turning, my love would go onOur fire will never stop burning, my love will stay strongThe world is against me, they want me to fall and crumbleBut you're here with me, so I will n...
Posted by The Don of Dons on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 06:07:00 PST

My Prayer

Let love give me the strength to do what i must, to lay down my enemies and uplift my loved ones, for love has given me strength in the past and I need it now more than ever, for love stamps...
Posted by The Don of Dons on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 11:19:00 PST

Tears like rain

I don't feel like today's gonna be betterYou could tell by just lookin at the weatherAnother day that I'm missin youAnother day that I don't know what to doWhen is this lonliness gunna ...
Posted by The Don of Dons on Wed, 06 Sep 2006 06:28:00 PST

philosophy 4

men, men are dogs. waiting for their peice of meat,but especially to fight for it, the rabid instinct of hunger...but the underlying desire for power slowly pushing its way forward masquerading itself...
Posted by The Don of Dons on Fri, 25 Aug 2006 06:49:00 PST

Philosophy 3

Time is a valueble substance, but cannot be traded as others. Men do not realiaze that thier time in this life is more precious than any diamond or any amount of money.   I'd like to dedicate thi...
Posted by The Don of Dons on Mon, 21 Aug 2006 12:23:00 PST

Philosophy 2

Love is a state of mind, call it a reality, that every man wants to reach. To touch it even for a second, feel his heart beat faster and faster as he looks into her eyes. In that instant he realizes t...
Posted by The Don of Dons on Mon, 21 Aug 2006 12:10:00 PST

Philosophy 1

Men are blind to the beauty of which they find therselves in front of, realizing the splendor of life and world that they live in to late, blinded by the destruction and chaos.
Posted by The Don of Dons on Wed, 16 Aug 2006 03:25:00 PST