coffee in the morning. long walks. pj parties. people watching. local in my ears. museums. florida. grad school. my roommates. nap time. diners. red sox. spring time. breakfast dates. adventures. science. family. friends. the astoria ledger.
the type of people that i can associate with the words "fuckin' awesome."
bruce springsteen. bob dylan. weezer. otis redding. elvis costello. the agency.
sixteen candles. young frankenstein. breakfast at tiffany's. sabrina. harry potter. better off dead. dirty dancing. silence of the lambs. red dragon. hannibal. best in show. this is spinal tap. say anything. one crazy summer. pee wee's big adventure. and so on and so forth.
big love.
currently reading: the glass castle amazing adventures of kavalier and clay. the foutainhead. to kill a mockingbird. dress your family in corduroy and denim. naked.
my dad. bruce springsteen. john hughes. howard roark. atticus finch.