MyE CoMmeNt BoX
SoMetHiNg SwEeT...
just keepin in touch with friends
sorry i dont add people i have not met or have not heard of before
HiP HoP, RnB, eTc...wHaTeVeR SoUnDs gOoD =)
LOvE tHeM aLL! i'LL wAtCh aNytHiNg...WeLL MoStLy aNytHiNg =P HeHe
FRiEnDs, ThE GiRLs NeXt DoOR, KoReAn DRaMa, FReSh PRiNcE, SpoNgEBoB SqUaRePaNtS, DR. 90210, GReY's AnAtOmY, CSI, WhAt NoT tO wEaR, eTc...JuSt tO NaMe a FeW...
FaMiLy aNd FRieNdS, BuT MoSt Of All...GOD