::Diego:: CEO/President ClubOholics.com profile picture

::Diego:: CEO/President ClubOholics.com

listen closely to your enemies...they tell you your faults

About Me

I'm a Happy guy not on here to try and find a new girl. Just here to keep in touch with old friends and im always willing to make some new friends as well. Everyone is on myspace and i love running into people i haven't seen in years. I am also a Recruiter and a Teacher at the International School of Bartenders. In Oxnard. If you want to learn to bartend hit me up. Bartending is extremely fun, and if you can think of any other legal way to make anywhere between $120 to $350 dollars in one 6 hour shift let me know. Click play to see a video of the school.

I'm also the Bartender @ El Pescador 12 in the city of fillmore. Rumor has it that we make the best margaritas in town. Come see for yourself. ..

My Interests

"Thanks For Coming to my Page By visiting My page. You just Helped a Good Cause." Diego


The war in northern Uganda has been called the most neglected humanitarian emergency in the world today. For the past 21 years, the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) and the Ugandan government have been waging a war that has left nearly two million innocent civilians caught in the middle. The Ugandan government has failed to protect its citizens from this rebel militia that has murdered mothers and buried the young, leaving an entire generation of youth that has never known peace.

Do you have a child? A little brother or sister? A niece or nephew? If you do - imagine them being taken from their family, their friends, their school and every other childhood normality and being forced to fight in a war. Instead of playing with toys they are shooting guns. Instead of learning their ABC's they're learning how to kill. They are being completely stripped of their innocence and any chance of a fulfilling life.

I am teaming up with an amazing chartiy called Invisible Children to help bring peace and get these kids out of the war and back with their families and into school.Please help me support this incredible charity by signing up for Social Vibe and picking Invisible Children as your cause.

Please check out Invisible Childrens website:

www. invisiblechildren. com

and make sure to add them as your friend on MySpace:

www. myspace. com/invisiblechildren
I love to teach, sharing my experience with others makes me feel like im doing something, makes me feel useful. At the bartending School we have a method of teaching in which we use word association to make it easy for every one to learn. I like helping people progress in life and teaching them a new career is the best way to do it. I love music and i'm somewhat of a musician my self. Not enough to be famous but i couldn't imagine life without music. Biggest interest though is spending time with my family.

I'd like to meet:

Everyone hit me up! I'd like to meet everyone as long as youre coo and all about respect. I dont think im to good for anyone and i do my best to keep in touch with all. Always looking to make new friends.Anyone interested in Bartending hit me up also. I could give you information on how you can come in contact with a school that will certifiy you internationaly and one that is so affordable you can make your money back in 2 to 3 nights of bartending. I would also like to know what your favorite drink. Reason for this is because new drinks pop up constantly and i like to keep my knowledge of drinks updated. Any questions you have about bartending feel free to send me a message. Specialy if youre tired of working long hours and not making enough money.


I listen to everything


This is one i have to think about .. but among my favorites i have to say that i loved Blood in blood out, (Bound by honor) , and i loved The devils advocate.


Don't watch too much of it but im a football fan therefore i love watching my niners play. i hope they start doing better soon.


Jesus Christ for sure is my top one. Many people have heroes that have done nothing for them. I know im not the best person in the world but i'm for ever greatful to Jesus. After Jesus the one man i admire most is Noe my father. Hes done so much and sacrificed so much to raise me right. And although ive failed him many times hes always been there for me.

My Blog

Something to think about

A Message by George Carlin:The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers, wider Freeways, but narrower viewpoints. We spend more, but have less, we buy more, ...
Posted by ::Diego:: CEO/President ClubOholics.com on Wed, 02 Jul 2008 03:26:00 PST

Having a Bad Day?

 Sorry to hear about it..  But believe me when i tell you. Its not the worse. Hope you feel better...
Posted by ::Diego:: CEO/President ClubOholics.com on Tue, 20 May 2008 01:50:00 PST

Im down and the world keeps stomping on my head. But im not a coward!

Then the time come for you to be your own man and take on the world, and you did. But somewhere along the line, you changed. You stopped being you. You let people stick a finger in your face and tell ...
Posted by ::Diego:: CEO/President ClubOholics.com on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 06:33:00 PST

I can Guess your number

Posted by ::Diego:: CEO/President ClubOholics.com on Sat, 08 Apr 2006 04:38:00 PST

Peanut butter Jelly

Posted by ::Diego:: CEO/President ClubOholics.com on Tue, 14 Mar 2006 07:14:00 PST