I'd pretty much depict myself as a sleep deprived, opportunity obsessed, but honest-to-goodness Godfearing person. I believe I still am as hardheaded as before (I'm sure most of you will attest to this). My kids inspire me to pursue anything that is best. I work so hard each day--much to my delight and/or the opposite thereof. I spurn people who are insincere, users, judgmental & backbiters. I rebel against people whose cruelty is beyond my choice and control, but i do admire my mentors--those who are humble in spite of their many achievements. I also mostly keep friends who are good listeners & advisers, the opposites of those i hate, and the adventurous... of course, the essence of hard gained friendships are the adventures and memoirs---so unforgettable and vivid as of this very day! I also keep friends who are appreciative of the little things that i do, and those who like me and my kids just the way we are. Whatelseaboutme?.... Go figure?.....Zzzzzzzzhttp://patriciaramos2004.multiply.com/pr
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