eddie c. shearrow. sleeping. $$$. atlanta's autumn. 11pm-3am. city skylines. sharpies. macintosh. learning. cranberry juice. buying myself flowers. wearing the same jeans every day. writing words. september 28 2005.
home, again.
blink 182, coldplay, radiohead, sigur ros, death cab for cutie, stars, the smiths.
Alfie. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Slackers. Never Been Kissed. Un Long Simanche de Fiançailles. Love, Actually. Home Alone (1 &2). Sideways. The Notebook. Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion.
a heartbreaking work of staggering genius. the portable henry rollins. burn collector. the philosophy of andy warhol. on the road. slaughterhouse 5.