i like...poety, raspberries, hairspray, coffee, affection, conor oberst, hip bones, dior, dooney and bourke, scarves, being around close friends, meeting new friends, fashion, skinny pants, flats, when you make the first move, a fan when i sleep, chap stick, eye liner, politeness, art, music, tin can telephones, spring nights and summer mornings, falling in love over again and again, breaking hearts, jean jackets (with hoods), gloves - fingers cut off, purses, make-up, love, eyes, sewing, picture frames, ribbon, doves, tattoos, lips, hands, dancing, shouting, singing, drinking, kissing, spooning, hugging, sleeping, books, good-nights and good-mornings, family, politics, chicago, my violin named margot, my friends, shows, galleries, screaming, ice cream, umbrellas, antique radios, road trips, the thougt of going to a good college...the thought of GOING to college, being able to make a living out of what i love to do and go in DEBT for it, walking, looking, reading lips, buckling knees, the sky, air planes, buring fields, WWII, james dean, scrapbooks, my first love will always be my first love, shoes, the way my shins/calves look in jeans, ankles, words, examples, when i cant explain, but i know you know, tapping my foot to the beat when im too scared to dance, dropping guns, cleaning my room and listening to music really loud so i can dance all i want, bullseyes, celebrating, clapping hands, dresses, polka dots, plad, tulips, GETTING TO KNOW YOU, dear reader...3
i'd like to get to know you. duh. i love making new friends and meeting new people. IM me (insomnie herself) and get to know me. we'll hang. just don't be a creep about it.je veux trouver quelqu'un pour aimer.
archer avenue, beck, belle and sebastian, beep beep, beloved, ben folds, ben kweller, blood brothers, bob dylan, bright eyes, coldplay, cursive, damien rice, death cab for cutie, dead poetic, eisley, elliott smith, every time i die, the flaming lips, forever ending, form of rocket, hot hot heat, jeff buckley, matty popchart, murder by death, pj harvey, radiohead, the redhouse painters, rufus wainwright, saves the day, simon & garfunkel, short of 1st, smashing pumpkins, thursday, the clash, the decendents, the decemberists, the doors, the faint, the shins, the smiths, the sounds, margot and the nuclear so sos, the good life, postal service, yeah yeah yeahs, the velvet underground, mewithoutYou, STars
a bronx tale, donnie darko, empire records, harry potter, james dean movies, kill bill, mallrats, october sky, pi, requiem for a dream, virgin suicides, igby goes down, enemy at the gates, a clockwork orange, whats eating gilbert grape, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, closer, magnolia
aqua teen hunger force, csi, family guy, queer eye for the straight guy, the brendan leonard show, threes company, cheers, gilmore girls
junky, william s. burroughs books, ray bradbury, henry miller, innocence, life of pi, cats cradle, please kill me, johnny got his gun, on the road, under the roofs of paris, tropic of cancer, tropic of capricorn, the bell jar...
who needs 'em..