Long walks on the beach, monkies, math, clubs and activities at Stockton, and of course rockin' out!
Britney Spears, H-Duff, Fidy Cent, Frank Sinatra, Tina Turner, AC/DC, Yanni, Kenny G, Aerosmith, Billy Joel, Cyndi Lauper, Whitney Houston, Nickel Back, Fallout Boy, BLINK 182!!!
Does porn count? The Sandlot, A League of Their Own, Donnie Darko, Cabin Fever, Shazaam, and a lot of foreign films.
Family Guy, Full House, The Care Bears, Queer Eye, The Sapranos, and my good friend, Oprah
Reading ain't my thang!
Crazy Uncle Bob, Sto Po, SPIDERMAN, and Fanta Grape soda...don't you wanna Fanta??