Cathy with a C profile picture

Cathy with a C

I dont know about you, but i like pouring salt on wounds.

About Me

Sit back and relax. Listen to some good music. and then get up and dance like no one's watching.

I'm vulgar. Speak before i think. Cuss a lot for a girl. Party hard. Make faces at the camera. Throw up peace signs. I crush hard. Love slow. Hate complex guy-girl relationships. Make friends easily. Keep close friends close. Girlfriends even closer. I talk a lot. Walk fast. Love dancing. I get distracted easily. Have a billion things on my mind. Internalize stress. Wear hats. Prefer pens to pencils. Live and breathe music.
Alcohol continues to be my best friend on the weekend, so please excuse every picture of me with a drink in my hand. My best friends are Jack Daniels, Johnnie Walker, Makers Mark, and Crown. Though I suppose I should make the library, books, and highlighters a close second.
I dont believe in love at first sight. I believe in love at first conversation.
I love my friends. Through their friendships, I know what it means to trust and be myself. I love my family, who will forever be my support system and means of unconditional love.
My soul is captivated by:
House & Rock MUSIC
Some random things i just LOVE--can't see my life without them-- chapstick, lotion, perfume, cargo pants, eyeliner, chucks, boyshorts, wife beaters, text messaging, digital cameras, black nail polish, skull-clad couture, middle children, libras, and hair ties.
"The No Seatbelt Song" - Brand New
So, it's sad this doesn't suit you now.
And me fresh out of rope...
Please ignore the lisp, I never meant to sound like this.
So take me and break me and make me strong like you.
I'll be forever grateful to this and you.
It's only you, beautiful.
Or I don't want anyone.
If I can choose it's only you.
Fix me to a chain around your neck and wear me like a nickel.
Even new wine served in old skins cheapens the taste.
I shot the pilot, now I'm begging you to fly this for me.
I'm here for you to use, broken and bruised.
Do you understand?
It's only you, beautiful.
Or I don't want anyone.
If I can choose, it's only you.
But how could I miscalculate...
perfect eyes will have perfect aim.
If I can choose, it's only you.
"we're wrecking" and I'm dry like a drum, when you scream so fine I'll leave.
We're stranded, we've got time and trials, measured in miles. We slave for days (and weeks).
It's only you, beautiful.
Or I don't want anyone.
If I can choose.
It's only you.
But how could I miscalculate...
perfect lies from a perfect dame.
If I can choose... it's only you.
Before the madness of dental school, there was the craziness of college that ensued.
Retreat & Lotus


My Interests

Give me snow and i'm a happy camper. Come winter time, you'll find me on the slopes of the local mountains and Mammoth, my winter backyard.

Say cheese! I notice everyone's smile.

Give me a good band and a bottle of beer and let me sing my heart out while sweat drips down my back and neck. Now that's my definition of a good concert.

I'd like to meet:

the inventor of chapstick.


Jimmy Eat World
The Cure
Depeche Mode
The Ataris
Everything But the Girl
Frou Frou
Imogen Heap
Miguel Migs
Massive Attack
Shiny Toy Guns
Bloc Party
Her Space Holiday
Death Cab for Cutie
The Cranberries
Brand New
Taking Back Sunday


Little Miss Sunshine
Breakfast Club
Sixteen Candles
Pretty in Pink
Say Anything
Shawshank Redemption
Fight Club
Rain Man
Forrest Gump
Garden State
Office Space


Grey's Anatomy
Project Runway
Top Chef
Sex and the City
Everybody Loves Raymond
The Office
The OC
Fuse TV


The Classics:
Crime and Punishment
Clockwork Orange
Catcher and the Rye
Their Eyes Were Watching God
Grapes of Wrath
The Joy Luck Club
Memoirs of a Geisha
Da Vinci Code
Angels and Demons
God of Small Things
The Rain God
My Friend Leonard
A Heartbreaking Work of a Staggering Genius
Me Talk Pretty One Day
Running With Scissors
Currently Reading:
the nutrition facts off of labels
lecture transcripts *gun to the head*
Up Next: if time ever permits
The Pursuit of Happyness by Chris Gardner
Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell

My Blog

Chicago pix

04.13.07 ...
Posted by Cathy with a C on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 09:09:00 PST

A higher power?

A higher power? or just plain dumb luck?Flying into Chicago, my flight was delayed by an hour and when I landed, my bag didn't come out.  Instead, it was on the next flight in from hour ...
Posted by Cathy with a C on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 08:06:00 PST

be the change you want to see

The squeaky wheel gets the oil. so squeak loud. and squeak proud.There is much to be said about people who voice their opinions in an attempt to initiate change.  Whether that change is going to ...
Posted by Cathy with a C on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 03:34:00 PST


WeeMee is awesome.
Posted by Cathy with a C on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 06:42:00 PST

It hurts

to go snowboarding w/o any snow.A bunch of friends and I are heading up to Killington, VT for some boarding and I am sad to say that there is no snow! =T  There are supposed to be some rain showe...
Posted by Cathy with a C on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 03:00:00 PST

the mystery of attention

it's very interesting how people react to attention.  had a conversation w/ one of the girlfriends on this topic and while some people are complete attention-seeking whores, there are others on t...
Posted by Cathy with a C on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 11:40:00 PST

Home sweet home

Looking forward to being home in 3 weeks. Just 3 short weeks and i'll be amongst loved ones frolicking in the california sun.  I feel as though there's never enough time to do everything, see eve...
Posted by Cathy with a C on Sat, 25 Nov 2006 10:08:00 PST

Top 16. Top 20. Top Billion.

So I changed my top 8 to top 12. and now it's my top 16. Why? Because I can. Myspace might as well make it so you can rank all of your friends in the order in which you like them.  It would be fu...
Posted by Cathy with a C on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 10:29:00 PST

Rainy Tuesdays

When it rains, it pours.  If it's not one thing, it's always another.  If it's not a test, it's rain.  If it's not rain, it's being sick.  If it's not being sick, it's drama. ...
Posted by Cathy with a C on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 10:23:00 PST