Laughing. Fortune bed. Paper mache puppie dogs. Audible emoticons from Taiwan. Chinese toy recalls. Salmonella. Golden monkeys. Bigfoot. Masturbation. Shoplifting. Toys in cereal boxes. Slinkies. Belly button lint.
I'd like to meet people who vibrate on my frequency. ;)View All Friends | View Blog | View Pics | Add Comment - Unique MySpace Generators..I'll bet Sid Haig never said "HI" to you. :PLAND OF THE FREE? YOU TELL ME.
I live for Music. If I could marry Music, I sooo would. I'd be all like "I do" and Music would be all "Yeah, me too." And we'd totally DO IT under a table at the reception... Unless Glenn Danzig was there. Then I'd do him under the table, instead; but Music wouldn't get pissed. Music would totally join in and we'd all get our rocks off! Hells yeah.
Horror. Zombies. Psychos. Documentaries. Indie films. Romantic Comedies need not apply, but other comedies are eligible. I love Will Ferrell. He writes the best catchphrases. I love Johnny Depp. He gives me the best naughty dreams. I like old 80's teen flicks. Jude Nelson and John Cusack were yummy once...Once.
I hate TV, but sometimes I watch it when I need a laugh. I dig on My Name is Earl, The Office, Scrubs, 30 Rock, Last Comic Standing, Family Guy and...yeah that's it. NO I DON'T HAVE CABLE ASSHOLE!!
I'm reading The Secret again. I just finished it and I love it. Rhonda Byrne. Check it out and change your life. I love The Alchemist, another life changer. Paulo Coelho.
Martin Luther King, Jr.