anything with 2 wheels, things that float, games that involve balls, food
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well im a country guy most of the time, butmost of all i just like music that i can relate too.1.GANGSTA: A sociopathic member of the inner-city underclass, known primarily for being antisocial and uneducated. Also known for ready access to illegal drugs and weapons, and staggeringly poor marksmanship.GANGSTAOne who willfully promotes and participates in destructive and self-serving culture in an effort to project a particular image of 'toughness' or to make oneself intimidating. Willingness to blatantly and horrifically misuse English is a necessity, as is a low IQ and sub-par education (or at least the appearance thereof).
sound of music, the notebook, punch drunk love, HGTV SIN CITY, walk the line, lord of war, starsky and hutch, wedding crashers, joe dirt, of course napoleon, dodgeball, im horrible at remembering all the movies i have seen but these are a few that stick out.
LOST! miami INK, west coast choppers, the DISCOVERY CHANNEL, MTV i know where i want to buy one day ..laughs silently to himself as he types this...
i havent read a book since 3rd grade, hence the horrific use of the english language
my parents, betti henry, WAX
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