Joe will go to jail for ...
Stealing condoms from the grocery store
'What sexual activity will you go to jail for?' at
Joe --
Insatiable to the point of crazy
'How will you be defined in the sexual dictionary?' at
How evil are you?
You Are Barney
You could have been an intellectual leader...
Instead, your whole life is an homage to beer
You will be remembered for: your beautiful singing voice and your burps
Your life philosophy: "There's nothing like beer to give you that inflated sense of self-esteem."
The Simpsons Personality Test
smoke everyday
drink i am now
drive duh
have glasses/contacts yea
have braces had em
play a sport uh duh
get good grades no way
play an instrument oh yea
talk a lot lol yeah
laugh at stupid stuff totall stoned
write music yea
rap (or try 2) shhh
feel lonely yes
have a cell phone dont everyone
sing good ask christene
have a lot of close friends i guess
smoke yes
get drunk yes
get high yes
steal something yes
get/give head no
cheat on someone no
lie 2 ur parents yea
get really mad at ur best friend yes
sneak out dont gotta
get inna fight (fist or verbal ??) yea
use someone no
prank call someone oh yea
make a new friend yes
get into a relationship yes
go shopping yes
have sex YES
make-out with someone YES
do ALL ur homework have none
cut class no
really embarass urself yes
flirt with someone really hot yes
try 2 holla at someone uh no
type of music metal
singer/band danzig
sport downhill
tv show tom and jerry
movie nightmare on elm street
song devils plaything
class period shop
teacher mr. anthony
number 13
drink salor jerry
food any italian
memory first broken bone
color red and black
family member grandmom
clothing brand jnco
sprite/7up sprite
gym/lunch gym
belly button ring/nose ring bellybutton
lip stick/lip gloss neither
50 cent/jadakiss 50
rap/rock rock
dark/light dark
night/day night
sleeping/eating sleeping
yankees/red sox neither
city/country countty
family/friends friends
computer/tv tv
music/books music
soda/juice soda
falling in love/being a playa love
romantic night in/wild night out in
drinking/smoking both?
racism love it
school fuck it
stereotypes love em
drugs 24/7
relationships got a good one
teens these days annoying
drugs love em
stress hate it
traveling fun
reading eh...
ur friends weird ass ppl
siblings none
death come for me
CREATE YOUR OWN! - or - GET PAID TO TAKE SURVEYS!You have a sexual IQ of 131
When it comes to sex, you are a super genius. You have had a lot of experience, and sex interests you so you know a lot about it. You pride yourself on being a source of information and guidance to all of your friends.
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