White Power Ranger profile picture

White Power Ranger

Hello, I'm a cannibal

About Me

Half Man, Part Robot, All Man. I am the white power ranger. Power is my middle name.

My Interests

books, cars, pants, shoes, space, planets, smell, hunger, thirst, hate, love, ambiguity, certainty, animals, hats, water, airplanes, the hubble telscope, cats, dogs, cotton, wool, leather, glass, steel, rubber, film, ink, paper, glue, lightning, sharp, fast, loud, knots, wood, feelings, hurting feelings, science, history, pain, triumph, force, power, heat, rain, fog, jumps, plates, ice, much, oh and hats too did I say that.

I'd like to meet:

maybe this homo, so I could cut some sense into him. Red is so out.


Samurai Berzerker, Bannannissippi, Sexual Asault on Precinct 13, Faggot Boyz, Sexy Offender, Sexy Boyz, Faggot Offender, MC Gaptooth and the Hang Tough Noodlers, Venetian Catfish, XbaklavaX, Tunnel of Hate, Smell the Love, Tunnel of Smell, Smell the tunnel, Smell the Fish, Hatefish, Toto, Jam Shazbot and the Robot Insurance Explosion, Burt Reynolds Mustache Comb, Buck Rogers Meets the Challenge, Behold Randy's Mighty Codpiece, U2.


Chunnel, starring Miles Rogers and Vince Van Peebles (pretty much any movie with Miles Rogers), Clonus, Westworld, Futureworld, The Digital Ruins of Ultra Land, Megaworld, Megaworld 2:Megaworld falls, Ultra Land TV series, Also any film by Rich Gaeman or Harry Showldurbladzs.


Climbing For Dollars, Kung Fu The Legend Continues


Arthur C Clarke, Edgar Allan Poe, H. P. Lovecraft, Kurt Vonnegut, Ray Bradbury, George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, your mother and Dogs.


Lotar Barbossa