Wolf profile picture


Hell is just a word, Reality is much worse

About Me

My name is William.
I don't like describing what im like as i feel its up to others to form their own opinion. All i will say is im cagy, cynicle, sometimes funny, many times crazy and most of the time complicated.
I have very few friends. (im cagy when it comes to making friends since ive lost a fair few)
My interests are films, reading, writing, games and music. I read horror, sci fi and fantasy books. Wolves and wildlife in genral are of interest to me. Currently studying habitat and wildlife conservation.
I like to travel and ive been to the USA, Scotland and around the UK.

I tend to see past the obvious to what lies beneath. I respect people who are honest and truly care for them around them.
I have little or no respect for people who do not respect themselves or people around them that they should care for.
If you truly want to be different in this world then think of others before yourself. Never betray them close too you "No matter what". Take responsibilty for your actions instaed of making excuses, blaming others or blaming your past for how you treat others.
What we say means little in this day and age when people often lie for there own selfish reasons. True beauty comes from within for looks fade and are only skin deep.
In the end our actions are all that matters. It is what defines who we are and what we will be remembered for.
I am alone.... anyway i am use to it...

The Silent Wolf
"The night is still and clear, and the moon glows overhead. A Gray Wolf appears a short distance away, and walks slowly around us. We see the golden glow of his eyes as he watches us intently. He has been battered by humankind and has no reason to trust in us. He has been sought out and killed simply for being who he is. He has been poisoned, shot, and mutilated. His territories have been usurped and corrupted by our presence. He has been driven from his home. And yet, as he walks around us we can feel him offer us an uneasy peace"
"Never violate a woman, nor harm a child. Do not lie, cheat or steal. These things are for lesser men. Protect the weak against the evil strong. And never allow thoughts of gain to lead you into the pursuit of evil"
The Code of Druss the Legend
"I learned at a very young age that I cannot trust in or count on anyone but myself. To do so invites deceit and despair and opens a vulnerability that can be exploited. To do so is a weakness."
Artemis Entreri
"Then for what?" Enteri yelled at him.
"For what," Jarlaxle echoed, with another of his laughs and a shake of his head. "Why, for everything and nothing at all."
Enteri stared at him with a puzzled expression.
"You have no purpose, no direction," Jarlaxle asked. "You wander about muttering to yourself. You walk no road, because you see no road before you. I would be doing you a favor if i killed you."
That brought a look showing a complete acceptance, even an eagerness. for the challenge.
"Is it not the truth?" Jarlaxle asked. "What is the point of your life, Artemis Entreri?"
You are the Loner wolf. You have people that care
about you, and for you, but it really doesn't
matter, no one understands you, or has the
capacity for understanding. You'd like to
meet people that have the capacity for
understanding you, but you'd have to show
your scars from the past, and that's what
hurts. You have a heart of gold.
What Kind Of Wolf Are You?
What Is Your Animal Personality?
(yahoo id ^)
(if you want to add me to msn send me a msg)
Wolf's Rain - Heaven's Not Enough

My Interests

Music, Movies, Games, Computers, Books, Films, Traveling, Going out, Drinking, Writing, Poems, Storys, Vampires, myths, Legends, Sci Fi, Wolves, Animals, Nature, Nightmares, Forgotten Realms, Werewolves, Shapeshifting, Lycanthropy, horror, Fantasy, Video Games, Final Fantasy, Resident Evil, Tekken, Metal gear solid, Secret of Mana, Legacy of Kain, Silent Hill, Silent Hill 2, Silent hill 3, Silent Hill 4 the Room, Castlevania, Vampire the Masquerade Redemption,

I'd like to meet:



Akira Yamaoka, Mary Elizabeth McGlynn, Staind, Snow Patrol, Lostprophets, 3 Doors Down, The Fray, Lifehouse, Metallica, Yellow Magic Orchestra, Asian Kung Fu Generation, Toshiro Masuda, Masami Ueda, Nobuo Uematsu, The Black Mages, Bush, REM, Evanescence, Sarah Mclachlan, Zero 7, Our Lady Peace, Matchbox Twenty, Puddle of mudd, Nirvana, Oasis, Doves, The Verve, Coldplay, Steve Conte, Yoko Kanno, Melissa Williamson,


The Crow, Weekend at Bernie's, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Dances with Wolves, X Men, X Men 2, Pirates of the Caribbean, Last of the Mohicans, Interview with a Vampire, Blade, Hellboy, Underworld, Evil Dead, Army of Darkness, Dawn of the Dead, Dracular, Mystery Men, Shawn of the Dead, Willow, Krull, The Last Unicorn, Labyrirth, Ladyhawk, Donnie Darko, Die Hard, The Thing, Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street, Highlander, Lord of the Rings, Aliens, Predator, Alien vs Predator, Terminator, The Ring, Final fantasy 7 Advent children, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Dragon the Bruce Lee story, Battle Royal, Congo, Spaceballs, Stargate, Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Ginger Snaps, The Decent, Bad Moon, The Shawshank Redemption, Rocky, Brotherhood of the Wolf, The Butterfly Effect, Dog Soldiers, American Werewolf in London,


X Files, Kindred, Forever Knight, Brimstone, First wave, Invasion, Lost, Buffy the Vampire slayer, Angel, Bones, Stargate Atlantis, Stargate, Quantom Leap, Snowqueen, 10th kingdom, Wolf's Rain, Heroes, Due South


First chronicles of Druss the Legend, White Wolf, Legend, Waylander, Hero in the Shadows, The Legend of Deathwalker, David Gemmel, Wheel of time, Robert jordon, Lord of the Rings, JRR Tolkien, The Lone drow, Servant of the Shard, Promise of the Witch King, R A Salvatore, His Dark Materials, Philip pullman, Shannara, Terry Brooks, The Dark Tower, Stephen King, Black Wolf, Dave Gross, The Colour of Magic, Terry Pratchett, I am Legend, Richard Matheson,


"A Wolf without a pack is either a survivor or a brute"


Wolverine & Rogue


"Come on... i'll take care of you"
"You Promise"
"yea, yeah I promise"


Druss the Legend


My Blog

Ill be fine...

Im ok for now.Haven't got the energy to post anything else.
Posted by Wolf on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 06:03:00 PST

Hurt... Lyrics...

"Hurt"I hurt myself today To see if I still feel I focus on the pain The only thing that's real The needle tears a holeThe old familiar sting Try to kill it all away But I remember everything [Chor...
Posted by Wolf on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 12:38:00 PST

Im fine...

Lately been stressed with college, lack of money, bills and being ill.Well i finally get over a chest infection and now my lower mouth has swollen up. More then likely caused by a abcess or something ...
Posted by Wolf on Sun, 10 Feb 2008 07:35:00 PST

Past... i cant deal with this... whats happened to me?

I have wrote a lot in here over the last couple years and most of it is crap. I am not myself. I haven't been for over 2 years.Everything i have wrote has been... "in the moment" and worthless.Today i...
Posted by Wolf on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 08:25:00 PST

Anger & Insanity

I rarely write enough that lets anyone know whats really going on. I rarely have the motivation to do so.Feel like im going insane. I spend too much time alone and i rarely talk to anyone. I just don'...
Posted by Wolf on Wed, 19 Dec 2007 04:43:00 PST

Self inflicted wounds... no im not talking

So the doc has said that more then likely i will never regain feeling in the parts of my hand that are damaged. That includes over half my thumb and most of my small finger. So far been going to psyio...
Posted by Wolf on Thu, 22 Nov 2007 12:46:00 PST

Right hand damaged... (away in hospital)

i have been stuck in hospital since wednesday.... the only just operated on my right hand a few hours ago...   i can not type much....(im right handed)  if u want to know more u may have to ...
Posted by Wolf on Sun, 16 Sep 2007 02:58:00 PST

26 today...

Another crap Birthday in my crap excistence. Yet another day to remind me that i have no real father... no group of real life friends.... no one..... nothing. The only birthday that anything happened ...
Posted by Wolf on Sun, 09 Sep 2007 04:44:00 PST

I am being targetted. (reported by someone) I am not disapering (not yet)

Over the last 2 months ive noticed that i have had a lot of trouble logging into myspace. Sometimes it can take 2-3 days for this to be fixed. Also many of the music myspaces i add end up de...
Posted by Wolf on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 05:55:00 PST

Everyone who knew me... i believe knew it would come down to this....

Most of all i think about.... is killing myself... how i will do it.... what i need to do before-hand?... things i need to set stright.... I knew deep down it would end this way.... I think deep down ...
Posted by Wolf on Sat, 04 Aug 2007 08:08:00 PST