bikes, frieght trains, coming off clean in a dirty situation, the preservation of my Slovenian culture.
Filth, HisHeroIsGone, Dystopia, Weakling, Burzum, Currupted, Bathory, Gauze, Church of Misery, BornAgainst, The Seeds, Der Blutharsch, Angles of Light, GNR, Witches Hammer, Yob Thee Michelle Gun Elephant, Tractor,
More, Tokyo Drifter, Aguera"the wrath of god", Salo"120 Days of Sadom", Burial Of the Sun
I quit!!! I was letting it ruin my life
The Giving Tree, Will To Power, Straw Dogs(not the novel), any thing Batille or Genet
Leaopold Plut(grandfather)