art.snowboarding, photography, the beach, channel side, driving, music, comedy, putting smiles on peoples faces aww
The RBX Bodyspray Girl. And Rad Girls.
gone in 60 seconds, casino, saw, texas chainsaw, rounders, van wilder, cky, cky2k, cky3 cky4, dumb and dumber, joe dirt, wedding crashers, rock star, days of thunder, top gun, ice princess, cky, bad boys, house of 1000 corpses, devil rejects
inked, my sweet sixteen, office, family guy, bad girls, the real housewives of orange county, addicted to discovery channel in HD.
Books? still reading the only book i have read in the last 5 years im still reading it " I am charllote Simmons". I only read in the bathroom when im sitting down
hugh hefner not because of the the girls although that is a plus, but this man took something that was looked down apon in society and made it i heard he is still doing pretty well today