music, history, green tea, peanutbutter cups, everything bagels, and vanity. sucking dick for crack. and meth.
no one
Stuff I can shake my big ass to..... and nausea, 1905, antischism, his hero is gone, doom, from ashes rise, tragedy, sage francis, leftover crack, choking victim, beastie boys, zounds, generation X, GBH, aesop rock, van morrison, bruce springsteen, defiance ohio, toxic narcotic, zegota, crass, f-minus, Elliot Smith, johnny cash, blanks 77, iron maiden, conflict, cocksparrer, bob dylan, the who, naked raygun..... most punk and its sub-genres, some metal, hip-hop, claasic rock, you know the drill.I think that the beatles suck and no one can convince me otherwise, and I dont understand why the rolling stones are so revered, they suck too. Bobby D and The Who all the way.
Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind, true romance, bill and teds excellent adventure, waynes world, pulp fiction, heathers, donnie darko, the sandlot, quills, Valley Girl, the big lebowski, white oleander....
what not to wear, project runway, intervention, the real world. discovery and history channel anndd.....I WANT MY MTV!
the jungle, flood! a novel in pictures, all quiet on the western front, heart of darkness, catcher in the rye, the bell jar, this side of paradise, brave new world, the brothers karamozov, The davinci code, Girl Culture, The Dead (short story by James Joyce)..... I recently rediscovered reading. I took some time off (like years) and now i like it again..
DUFFY!!!!! christopher walken, kate winslet and keith moon and myself. I'm a hero to myself.