DJ'ing, Drumming, My Band - The Dark Hearts (The Chairman of The Sword), Making Music, SEX!!!, Prophetic dreams and visions, Teleportation, Time Portals, BurningMan, Backcountry Camping, Reading, Snowboarding, HALO 2 & 3 Yoga, Chi Kung, Tennis, Dolphins,, Killa Cali Kush, The General Condition of our Earth and our Atmosphere and The Water, Strip Clubs, Burlesque Dancers, Lingerie, SOLAR POWER, Hallucinations, Movies, Reasource Based Economies, Halo 2 on XBox!!!, Altered States of Consciousness, Alien Activity, Meditation, The Super Psychic Children, The Indigo Children, The Aurora Children, Dimensional Doorways & Portals, Traveling, The Mayan Temples and Pyramids, The Egyptiian Pyramids, making out w/ girls, movies, Improv Comedy, erotica, nude beaches, hot springs, Dancing til I drop, & Kickin' Ass!!!!
Pictures from "The Short Stop" Weds. Nights!!! .. Jean-Michel Basquiat, Bob Marley, John Lennon, Einstein, George Clinton, Bill Clinton, Nelson Mandela, Jet Li, Vince Vaughn, Robert DeNiro, Joe Pesci, Joesph Cambell, Bjork, Halle Berry, Debra Harry, Pat Benetar, I already met and worked for Prince so that's out, Noam Chomsky, Mozart, Bill Murray, Andy Richter, Mike Myers, Martin Lawrence, Richard Pryor, Will Farrell, John Belushi, Jim Carrey, Scarlet Johannsen, John Coltrane,Eddie Harris, Alice Coletrane, Miles Davis, Masters At Work, Michael Jordan, Martin Scorsese, Steven Speilberg, George Lucas, Snoop Dogg, Audry Tautou, Christopher Walken, Malcom X, Martin Luther King, Ghandi, Arthur Ashe, Max Roach, Rick James, Dave Chappelle, Bruce Lee, Van Halen and Diamond Dave, Ozzy, Led Zeppelin - Jimmy Page, Jimi Hendrix, Camille Claudel, Michael Moore, RUN DMC & Jam Master Jay, De La Soul, TCQ, The Donnas, The Hives, The Killers, Chris Pontius and Steve-O, Steve Jones - Sex Pistols, Iggy Pop....Really crazy fun people with positive attitudes and a great sensce of adventure and, intellectual women, women who are incredibly smart, or way smarter than me (which isn't really saying alot) & who love to wear sexy lingerie around and not much else(God that would be soo hot!!). I'll add more later.
I'm a club DJ and I'm a drummer in a band, so...I love everything from Classic Rock, Psych Rock, Indie Rock, Glam Rock, Punk Rock, New Wave, New Rave, New Disco, New Electro, 80's, Rap, Classical, Dub, Dancehall, Baltimore Club Music, Hip Hop, FUNK, Jazz, House, Disco, electro, Jungle, Breaks, Broken Beat, downtempo/trip hop, you name it I probably have it. I even dig a little country too i.e. - Johnny Cash, Patsy Kline, but let's not get too carried away...
Fearless,The Departed, Beerfest, Little Miss Sunshine, Pan's Labyrinth, Mean Streets, The Secret, What The Bleep Do We Know, Talladega Nights, ELF, The Wedding Crashers, The Departed, True Romance, The Man Who Knew Too Little, School of Rock, The Incredibles, Sin City, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, The Divinci Code, The Adventures of Baron Munchausen, The Princess Bride, Dazed and Confused, Goodfellas, Casino, ScarFace, Trainspotting, Bottle Rocket, Made, Lost In Translation, Star Wars, Holy Mountain, Mad Max, Dead Man, Old School, Zoolander, Austin Powers, The Return of the Pink Panther, Seven Samuari, Snatch, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Dunmb And Dumber, Office Space, Chopper, Traffic, Syriana, The Deer Hunter, Half Baked, Fight Club, City of God, What the Bleep Do We Know, Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, Being John Malkovich, Ray, Fist of Legend, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Iron Monkey, Drunken Master I & II, Indiana Jones, Heat, X-Men, Seven Samurai, Amelie, The Deer Hunter, Lord of The Rings Trilogy, The Matrix, THX, Raging Bull, Taxi Driver, Easy Rider, Motorcycle Diaries, Amelie, City of Lost Children, Delicatessen, Baraca,UltraViolet, Wild Style, Do the Right Thing, Harlem Nights, Cotton Club, Up In Smoke, 400 Blows, 70's & 80's porn, Lesbian Porn, Candy Stripe Nurses, Seka's Movies.
Kill your television NOW!!!! Rob & Big,The Contender, Ghost Hunters, "Wild Boyz", The Daily Show with John Stewart, The Simpsons, South Park. Chappelle's Show, L.A.P.D. (Life on the beat), COPS.
The Mists Of Avalon,The Cronicles of Narnia,The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life Vol. 1 & 2, Secrets From The Lost Bible, China's Super Psychics, Noam Chomsky, Nothing in This Book Is True But It's Exactly How Things Are - Bob Frissell, On the Road, Dharma Bums, Jitterbug Perfume, Zen of Motorcycle Maitenance, Bukoski, The Vision, The Shawnee Prophet, The Sacred Journey of the Peaceful Warrior, Harry Potter (1 thru 5), The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Naked Lunch, The Alchemist, Black Elk Speaks, Siddartha,Think on These Things - Krishnamurti, Carlos Castaneda, Catch A Fire, Tibetan Book of The Dead, Egyptian Book of The Dead, The Silmarillian, Joesph Cambell, Star Wars, The Mists of Avalon. Umm.....a little nymph wispered in my ear and told me to read "Geek Love", so I'll probably try and hunt that book down and read it.
Bob Marley, Michael Moore, Jon Stewart, Muhammed Ali, my Mom, Chris Pontius and Steve-O!!!!! "Anybody that puts the welfare of others before themselves just cause you know it's the right thing to do."