i love dom mel and pheb! they r my girls!! oh i cant forget my bike now she is the most awesome thing eva haha!!
ridin trails an park..gettin pissed,goin to parties an ridin of course an goin out to parks an mettin hectic riders always is good coz i can watch them shred hectic haha an jus hangin otu wti my mates i wld be nuffin wit out them they make me who i am an i love em all 4 tht love u guys
Ive already met the most amazing people!!.....dominique scicluna and melanie huby!! they are definatly the best girls out!! any mutha fucker who messes with em is goin down!! xx
yeh i like music..its mad to ride to an shit..love aussie hip hop like hilltop hoods an anecdote jus all hip hop is the shit fuk yeh..um i dunno pretty much anything really... HARDCORE RAVE MUSIC
super troopers,kicking an screamin,wedding crashers..i dunno cant think but comedy ones
font color=aa99aayeh i watch it wen im bored..love wrestling haha it the shit an watchin anything tht has to do wit bmx coz bmx is my life not my love.. width="425" height="350" ..
melanie huby is my truest,longest bestfriend...i love her...11yrs we have stuck by eachother...she is my lil rock n roll queen!!xx
dominique scicluna is my besterest friend...i love her so much...she showed me truelove...she means the world 2 me...3yrs and so many more 2 cum...this girl is everythin 2me!! xx
phoebe witney is another of mt bestfriends who i have known 4 10 yrs...she is so gorguz...she is a true bestfriend..we have been thru so much bad n goodbut always stuck by eachother!!..i love her!! xxx
my hero is dinny! shes the best girl out, i love my girl pants..she makes me happy coz she a happy girl an she my bestfriend haha..love u....
then theres dominique gabrielle scicluna my besterest friend eva i love her coz shes coool and she showed me true love an we knw everything bout each other but threw bad times we will always be ther for each an she is my world besides my bike hehe