Sleep. Watching TV. Messing around on the internet. Looking out my window sill for some nice cat action.
Oh you know, some lady cats. I'm really not that picky. But just to let you know, I got my balls chopped off when I was 6 months. But what can ya do? So, yeah ladies, you might as well know right off: I'm a eunich.
Whatever John listen's to. I hate the tambourine though. I really do.
Apocalypse Now, 2001: A Space Oddessy, Ghost Busters, The French Connection, and mostly anything with flashing lights in it. That's what really does it for me.
Whatever John has on. I dunno. I really just sleep when he watches TV anyways.
uh... are good to sleep on?
Morris. Heathcliff. Garfield. Fluffy from the Brady Bunch. Mufasa.