MeG'GraZie profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

...... A very unPreDictaBLe but BaLanced inDividual. as in!!SobRa!!.Am not PeRfeCt...but i'm TruE very TraNsParenT!!!.I have mood sWiNgs, a brain teaSer entHuSiast, taLkative, criTiciZer, guTsy, joViaL, harBinger of tRanQuility, taLisman of lonGevity, coMpassioNate but aLso teMpeRameNtal, genTLe but can be easiLy proVoked, GoD-feaRing & an acroPhobic. I can be yOur beStfriend or your wORsT fOe. Im sMart but stuLtify when it comes to LoVe.confident but not conceited. Im kiNd of an inFormation sPonGe who lOves to find ouT whaTs going on in tHe world. sTill, miSunDerstood by many (be it my friends or family). JudGed me as a coNceiTed, peTTy, jiNx, irRespoNsibLe, wiCkeD, inGenuOus, and poWerLess, haVing an attiTude of suPerioRity, & obNoXious peRson who cAn be a nuiSance in yOur liFe. (talk about peSsiMism! WheW!). They haVe reAsons to abHor me, so be it. I caNt pLease eveRyBody. Am noT peRfect bcoz if I was, I wldnt haVe roOm for imProVemeNt! I wAs preTTy seLFish & afRaid groWing up, aLways looKing out for mYseLf but Im stroNger now. The beSt peRson wHo kNows me fRom heAd to fOot is my veRy seLf & noBody eLse! AboVe all, I coNSider mYseLf a wiNneR....soMe1 who hAs a poSiTive viEw of heRSelf. I dont neEd a maSk. WhAt yOu see is wHAt you get!. I knOw my stRong & wEak poiNts. Im aWare of my feeLings & liMitaTions (I leaRned frOm my exPerieNce) & I aint sCaRed of tHem. Im eMpoWeRing bRinGing out tHe wiNner in me & bEing tHe peRSon God meAnt me to be! I beLieVe tHat Im maKing & moLding mYself oNce aGain.. Im oPen to alteRaTion. I dont pOnder liFe in shaDes of gRay, iTll juSt apPLy to MurPhys LaW: WhaT cAn go wRong wiLL go wRong! As I go thRough liFe,I struGgLe w/ it,suFFer w/ it,lauGh w/ it. LiFe hAs its hiGhs & LoWs. WhEn yOu haPpen to be exPeRienCing a sTumPy moMent jUst reCaLL wHat wAs sAid in THE LITTLE PRINCE: The beAuTy of the deSert is tHat, soMewhere it hiDes a weLL.I haVe beEn giVen the Road foR my jouRney;thE reSt is up to Me...iLL jst SaiL on. video codes
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My Interests

reading Books (as in Lots of books, yng may sense ha!).......Fiction or FacTuaL, Prose & PoeTry, sTarBucKs, eating FeTTucine ALfreDo!!!!!!! PaiNTBaLL!!! KaRTinG!!! caPoeIRa!!! ULtiMate FriSBee!!!! Tae-Kwon-Do!!!Making beads!!! BuMMinG!!! hehehehe!!!
Horoscope for Scorpio
20 Aug 2004

Emotional deception will cause friction on the home front. You'll be more magnetic than ever now. If you're preoccupied, be careful while operating a vehicle or any kind of equipment or machinery.

Kwiz.Biz Daily Horoscopes for your Blog

I'd like to meet:

A person like......KIP PARDUE,FreDDie PRiNZe Jr.,JoNaThan BenNett, BoRgy MaNoToc,ToM WeLLiNG, AnDY RoDDiCK, PauL WaLkeR,CHrisTian BaUTisTa, MiCHaeL & RaLf ScHuMmaCHer,TraVis FiMMeL, JosH HARTnet, AsHtON KutchEr,NaRciSo RoDriGuez!!!!!!! anyone of their kind will do!!!! har har!!! Kidding aside, a person who has sense,so that we may have a chitchat about anything and everything under the sun! I just hate those people who are 'wannabees',and feeling bold and beautiful elites,grrrr@.$*& hmmmp!!!! Also,i wanna jive with those people who are extroverts! For me, i don't wanna meet people who hide under their skin or those who are plastic!!! Most of all, people who are disciplined and under the influence of GOD!!!!I'd like to meet...... BaMBOO!!! & the rest of the BanD!!!


anything that's pleasing 2 my ears.....BAMBOO, haLe, OraNge & LeMons, MaRooN5, The DarKNeSs, DisHwaLLa, John MaYer, JaSon MRaz, JaY-R (aHem!!), InCuBuS, MaTcHboX20, 3rd Eye Blind, Goo Goo dolls, MooNstaR88, Barbie's Cradle, MoJoFLy, MYMP, Imago, RaCheL LamPa, Dave Matthew's Band, Red Hot Chili Peppers, SwiTcHFooT, OUTKAST, HooBaSTaNK, InCuBuS, DisTuRbeD, RaGe AgainSt the maChiNe....... -- -- -- --Begin Code -- . .. -- -- -- --End Code --
Insanity Test

This fun quiz by insanitydefense - Taken 223964 Times. New - COOL Dating Tips and Romance Advice !


My SaSSy GiRL!!!!!('stiG soBrang fUNny!!), MoNa LiSa SMiLe, 10 things i HaTe aBouT You, WiTh HoNoRs, A Walk to Remember, CRueL InTenTionS, ReaLity BiTes, PaSSioN of ThE ChRiST, I am SaM, Armaggedon, My GiRL, ReMemBer the Titans, City of Angels, FaST & d'FurioUs, UncoNDiTioNaL LovE, My GiRL
Your Years at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Family Line

This QuickKwiz by lady_ameily - Taken 190212 Times. New - Kwiz.Biz Astrology and Horoscopes


SiNGLe, xTRa ChaLLeNge, On-Air, The NeXt AcTioN STaR, One TRee HiLL, Ariel & Maverick, Punk'd (MTV), SmaLLville, That 70's show, NewLy Weds(MTV), THe AsHLee SimPsOn ShoW, FeaR FacToR, GiLmoRe GiRLs, Lizzie Maguire, Art Attack, Blue's Clues, SpoNGeBoB!!!!


The PuRpose DriVen Life, The Stars Shine down, The Little Prince, Windmills of the God, The Alchemist, Harry Potter Books (1-, 4), Boy Meets Girl (Joshua Harris's Books) Chocolate for the TeeN's SouL, All Sidney Sheldon's Novel!!!!....the BiBLe,of course!


Clark Kent?! harhar!!!........... of course... GoD!!!
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My Blog

This is for you!!!!

God is so Good.... i was in a disaster at the last quarter of 2006.... i was dumped at a corner, no where to one to talk to.....but i know i did what is best.... to turn my life to God..... H...
Posted by MeG'GraZie on Tue, 29 May 2007 04:52:00 PST

It is done.....

yes.... u read it right.... past is past... after several wooing moments of my LIFE.... now i can SHOUT to the WORLD i finally MOVED ON....some says... When someone turns you down, dont fight back. I...
Posted by MeG'GraZie on Tue, 29 May 2007 06:17:00 PST

this is F*cking TRUE especially for an asshole like **o*o **A*

Unfair is.......... when i had given my best and still Left BeHIND.Unfair is.......... when i had been TRUE to him and all i had were LIES and FALSE PROMISES.Unfair is.......... when i had been very ...
Posted by MeG'GraZie on Tue, 29 May 2007 05:16:00 PST

my 2006 was a crap!!!

Guys, 2006 wasn't exactly the best year for me, truth of the matter.... got frustrated in varying levels on some aspects of my life. But on the upside, it brought a few "good" people into my life........
Posted by MeG'GraZie on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 03:27:00 PST

Senti .3

We are faced w/ hundreds of choices everyday and d choices we make today will determine wat kind of future we wil have. But some wldnt make the choices made for them just bcoz its their parent's deci...
Posted by MeG'GraZie on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 05:40:00 PST

Senti .2

Love&.a four-letter word that has infinite definitions, unfortunately, nobody can perfectly Define.  The meaning of the word is perhaps equally ambiguous for contemporary persons. We often use t...
Posted by MeG'GraZie on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 05:35:00 PST

LiFe is UnfaiR....

Life is unfair&.."Love , one of the best things in life that is free"&&bt then again, it seems this saying should be rephrased,and shld have add&."but somehow, u don't have a choice to decde what is r...
Posted by MeG'GraZie on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 05:31:00 PST

....pain and realization...

  ...Ive been through another  stressful journey of my life.... Bitter, yes... very! But reality check with the help of the Lord will heal me..... just want to divulge these things.... TE...
Posted by MeG'GraZie on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 05:29:00 PST

GooDbYE doesnt mean END!

goodbye does not mean the end..rather..a beginning...It always makes me wonder why does this one word "good" have to be put together with this other word "bye" when I could hardly see anything good ab...
Posted by MeG'GraZie on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 05:27:00 PST

...i am a CHRISTian.....

When I say... "I am a Christian"I'm not shouting "I'm clean living."I'm whispering "I was lost,"Now I'm found and forgiven.When I say..."I am a Christian"I don't speak of this with pride.I'm confessin...
Posted by MeG'GraZie on Sat, 07 Jan 2006 04:17:00 PST