reading Books (as in Lots of books, yng may sense ha!).......Fiction or FacTuaL, Prose & PoeTry, sTarBucKs, eating FeTTucine ALfreDo!!!!!!! PaiNTBaLL!!! KaRTinG!!! caPoeIRa!!! ULtiMate FriSBee!!!! Tae-Kwon-Do!!!Making beads!!! BuMMinG!!! hehehehe!!!
Horoscope for Scorpio
20 Aug 2004
Emotional deception will cause friction on the home front. You'll be more magnetic than ever now. If you're preoccupied, be careful while operating a vehicle or any kind of equipment or machinery.
Kwiz.Biz Daily Horoscopes for your Blog
anything that's pleasing 2 my ears.....BAMBOO, haLe, OraNge & LeMons, MaRooN5, The DarKNeSs, DisHwaLLa, John MaYer, JaSon MRaz, JaY-R (aHem!!), InCuBuS, MaTcHboX20, 3rd Eye Blind, Goo Goo dolls, MooNstaR88, Barbie's Cradle, MoJoFLy, MYMP, Imago, RaCheL LamPa, Dave Matthew's Band, Red Hot Chili Peppers, SwiTcHFooT, OUTKAST, HooBaSTaNK, InCuBuS, DisTuRbeD, RaGe AgainSt the maChiNe....... -- -- -- --Begin Code --
.. -- -- -- --End Code --
Insanity Test
This fun quiz by insanitydefense - Taken 223964 Times.
New - COOL Dating Tips and Romance Advice !
My SaSSy GiRL!!!!!('stiG soBrang fUNny!!), MoNa LiSa SMiLe, 10 things i HaTe aBouT You, WiTh HoNoRs, A Walk to Remember, CRueL InTenTionS, ReaLity BiTes, PaSSioN of ThE ChRiST, I am SaM, Armaggedon, My GiRL, ReMemBer the Titans, City of Angels, FaST & d'FurioUs, UncoNDiTioNaL LovE, My GiRL
Your Years at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Family Line
This QuickKwiz by lady_ameily - Taken 190212 Times.
New - Kwiz.Biz Astrology and Horoscopes
SiNGLe, xTRa ChaLLeNge, On-Air, The NeXt AcTioN STaR, One TRee HiLL, Ariel & Maverick, Punk'd (MTV), SmaLLville, That 70's show, NewLy Weds(MTV), THe AsHLee SimPsOn ShoW, FeaR FacToR, GiLmoRe GiRLs, Lizzie Maguire, Art Attack, Blue's Clues, SpoNGeBoB!!!!
The PuRpose DriVen Life, The Stars Shine down, The Little Prince, Windmills of the God, The Alchemist, Harry Potter Books (1-, 4), Boy Meets Girl (Joshua Harris's Books) Chocolate for the TeeN's SouL, All Sidney Sheldon's Novel!!!!....the BiBLe,of course!
Clark Kent?! harhar!!!........... of course... GoD!!!
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