My interests are... Music I play the Guitar and Piano as well as the Djembe "drum", I also enjoy reading and writting and lighting a fatty spliff yea boI!!ANYTHING that has to do with the arts music,photography,poetry etc.! I enjoy FISHING!I love being outdoor's like going to the beach 2 surf or to the mountains TO HIKE!!I LOVE DANCING!I love tryin new foods as long as it dont contain meat!yucky!!I dig Mother nature just reading under a tree with a loved one is a good time to me.I like learning about other realms diff. religions trying to find a new meaning in life day in day out taking life step by step enjoying every minute we have left of this world.Trying to open minds and get my word across on my different aspects in life.I LOVE SPENDING TIME WITH SERGIO WHO IS ONE OF MY good FRIENDS WHOm IS ALSO NOW MY HUSBAND TO BE I luvs that guy thanks babes for dealing with me lol!.... THE GREATEST RELATIONSHIPS START AS WONDERFUL FRIENDSHIP
Myself in all my other past lives....
Brought to you by My-Codes **
Damn I love music that is one of the most common universal things all people enjoy! I like a variety of music from classic rock to metal to 80"s,Jazz, reggae Etc. bands/artist such as Led Zeppelin, Peter Tosh, Doors, Hendrix, Floyd,LOS GATOS LOCOS,SUGAR DADDY'S,ATOMIC MEN,SISTER NANCY,KORN, SOlidify,SANGRE,Death is Eternal,Slayer,UNEARTH, Sepultura,Megadeth, Fiona apple, Portis Head,UPTOWN PSYCHOS,KOFFIN KATS, WEezer,Slighlty St00pid,Cure,BOB DYLAN,CRANBERRIES,JAMES DEMON,PENNY WISE,BOUNCING SOULS,DESCENDENTS,CREEPSHOW,MAD MARGE AND THE STONE CUTTERS,DROPKICK MURPHYS,GWAR,Death by stereo,Death,Charlie Parker,INCUBUS!dRAMA raMA,lIVING legends,SABBATH,SMITHS,Pantera,Smashing Pumpkins,sNOT,STRAY CATS,JOPLIN,STP,UNion 13,dream theater,Rancid,Save ferris,never heard of it,super tones awsome christian band,MADONNA,Prince, Violent Femmes,Judas priest, of course Marley!Wu-tang mutha fucka,Tribe called Quest,Mos def,DEL,KANye is THE MAN!JOHN LEGEND has a voice of an angel, Rage,Sizzla, ,beatles,GratefulDead,Sublime,KMK,TOOL,ThIRd World,eek a mouse,MIsfits,Social D,311,Sage FRAncis,oF CoUrsE PAC,sNOOP,SLUG/MURS,matisyahu,BATMOBILE,DamiAn Marley,DEPECHE MODE,fEAR fACTORY,Deftones,EAGLES,elvis,pharell williams!OL BLUE EYES FOR THOSE WHO KNOW WHO THAT IS U ROX!ELLA FITZGERALD,BillIe holiday,STEVE MILLER BAND theres to many to list but you get the idea you know the good stuff!
Some of my Fav.. movies are Fight Club, Blow, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas,Requiem of a Dream, Cheech and Chongs Nice Dreams,Bronx Tale and do I need to say ScarFace, Alice and Wonderland yes I said alice and wonder land, Monty Python movies,high tension,exorist's movies,secret window,What DA blEep DO u KNOW?SUPER TROOPERS,HAROLD AND KUMAR GO 2 WHITE castle,notebook,jay and silent bob,bio dome,signs,frida, and ANYTHING WITH J.DEPP AND ED NORTON. AND EMPIRE RECORDS of course! And nightmare before xmas,Corpse Bride,Gia,Willywonka and the choclate factory,Underworld,and I love a good scary movie!
adopt your own virtual pet!
Don't watch much of the ol' idiot box these days.
I love to read things like philosophy in religion,new age healing books,LearNIng about MY past YEAH !And poetry interesting jazz u KNOW!!!
My Parents foremost sounds cheesy but yea. Zapata and those Zapatistas still fighting for the rights! Bob Marley for his freedom of mind in his lyrics and any one who want's to start any kind of movement! *