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I am here for Friends

About Me

I´m FEMINIST, SOCIALIST and PASIFIST. I´m 22 years old finn. I study in university, my major is social sience, second subjects are history and women study. I live in eastern Finland in Joensuu. I´m really intersted in politics, in Finland and in the whole world. My passion and my big dream is to do my little part of making world better. More equal, more justice, better place for everybody!!

My Interests

Politics, people, parties, 3BigP´s in my life.

I'd like to meet:



70´s rock and pop, political songs (especially finnish political music from the 70´s), Latin music, Beatles, Brittpop


Documentary movies (Michael Moore), Ethnic movies, Finnish movies, lukas Moodysson. For example i also like: Forrest Gump, Thelma & Louise, Motorcycle diary (movie abot Che´s travel trough South America)


Friends!!I´m so sad that the serie ends:( , Documents...


I dont like reading, it´s lonely and boring. But the best book that i´ve red is: Venceremos, it´s written by a finnish journalist and it tells about Allende´s Chile and about its sad end


Kristiina Halkola, she is a finnish actor, singer and communist. Che Guevara, man had very interesting life.