Politics, people, parties, 3BigP´s in my life.
70´s rock and pop, political songs (especially finnish political music from the 70´s), Latin music, Beatles, Brittpop
Documentary movies (Michael Moore), Ethnic movies, Finnish movies, lukas Moodysson. For example i also like: Forrest Gump, Thelma & Louise, Motorcycle diary (movie abot Che´s travel trough South America)
Friends!!I´m so sad that the serie ends:( , Documents...
I dont like reading, it´s lonely and boring. But the best book that i´ve red is: Venceremos, it´s written by a finnish journalist and it tells about Allende´s Chile and about its sad end
Kristiina Halkola, she is a finnish actor, singer and communist. Che Guevara, man had very interesting life.