The Cereal Man {Needs a Boyfriend} profile picture

The Cereal Man {Needs a Boyfriend}

All right, I didnt see that one comin! You never know what's gonna happen in this neighbourhood!

About Me

Milk and Cereal Song Which type of cereal are you? read memo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YOU GET TO WATCH AND LISTEN TO THE FAMOUS MILK AND CEREAL SONG!!
you are lucky charms! you have a colorful personality and yeah...i like potatoes!
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How to make a The Cereal Boy
3 parts anger
5 parts ambition
1 part energy
Stir together in a glass tumbler with a salted rim. Add fitness to taste! Do not overindulge!

Personality cocktail
You Are a Newborn Soul
You are tolerant, accepting, and willing to give anyone a chance.
On the flip side, you're easy to read and easily influenced by others.
You have a fresh perspective on life, and you can be very creative.
Noconformist and nontraditional, you've never met anyone who's like you.
Inventive and artistic, you like to be a trendsetter.
You have an upbeat spirit and you like almost everything.
You make friends easily and often have long standing friendships.
Implusive and trusting, you fall in love a little too easily.
Souls you are most compatible with: Bright Star Soul and Dreaming Soul What Kind of Soul Are You?The funniest people in the world are also the saddest people in the world. And that is where I am. Christopher Lee Hall. I walk the streets of Downtown, making it my home though I live miles away. Binging on coffee and cereal as I attempt to write the next great novel, and jotting notes down for story ideas and Random Topics. Chain smoking an inevitable cancer that grows with each passing memory, while I write poems of love snapped hatred. Replenishing my body with veggie tacos and Diet Coke, becoming a seafood eating vegetarian. Materialistic as Andy Warhol at Christmas, I am constanlty shopping for albums and dvds, realizing my collection will never be complete. And yet I still find the time to love my friends and aquaintences, though my paranoia tells me that they do not love me. My prayers are filled with the screams for World Peace. Continuing to fight the good fight and converting to the Bahai relgion. For exercise I dance excessivley to music on my headphones and have learned how to masturbate in the form of an ab workout. I will forever be living my life in another decade. 2007? What are you talkin about, its 1967 and were still in Vietnam, man. Doomed to forever be alone, these words I write save me from complete madness.
Who Should Paint You: Salvador Dali
You're a complex, intense creature who displays many layers.
There's no way a traditional portrait could ever capture you! What Artist Should Paint Your Portrait?
You Are Surrealism
Dreamy and idealistic, you've created a world that is all your own.
It's very likely that you've either dabbled in drugs or are naturally trippy.
You are always trying to push beyond the boundaries of your culture and society.
You believe that art, love, and freedom can change the world. What Art Movement Are You?
Your Brain's Pattern
Your mind is a firestorm - full of intensity and drama.
Your thoughts may seem scattered to you most of the time...
But they often seem strong and passionate to those around you.
You are a natural influencer. The thoughts you share are very powerful and persuading. What Pattern Is Your Brain? Which That 70's Show Character Are You?
Your Eric Forman. Your Eric Forman! Your cute, goofy and funny as hell. Your a bit of a dork but your heart is always in the right place. People find it easy to just chill with you because your so down to earth and friendly. You'd do anything for the people you love and people adore you. Your proof that its hip to be square!
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My Interests

My Passionate Interests
~Lucky Strikes
~Music/my C.D. Collection
~Cult Films
~The night
~Philosophy and peace
~Hugs and kisses and cuddling
~Pirates and Mermaids
~Swearing and saying when things make me want to cum
~Living my life in another decade
~Vintage/nostaglia/Pop Culture
~The Independent Movement
~Religion as an art
~Spirtual Connections
~Converse High Tops
~Being gay
~My Aquaintences
~The highs and lows of the Disney Corporation
~Discussing the philosophy of High School Musical
~Sex and Masturbation
~Nature Walks
~Embracing my Latin roots
~Hello Kitty
~Coffee Shops
~Dark Chocolate
~Harry Potter
~Donald Duck
~Phone Conversations
I don't know why I love it. I just do.You know me: I love Dogs
adopt your own virtual pet!

You Are Most Like Mark! You are a very quiet, yet
loud and exciting at times, person who like's
to keep there emotions to themself. You have a
fasination with almost everything and everyone
around you and you are often caught filming
these people/events with a video camera. You
feel you must be the foundation of everyone and
try to hide from your emotions.

What Character from the musical 'RENT' are you most like?
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I am Frylock from Aqua Teen Hunger Force!!
Which Aqua Teen Hunger Force character are you?? You're the true leader of the Aqua Teens. You are wise and powerful, unlike your teamates, who are always getting into trouble. You keep everyone in line without pushing people around. What Hello Kitty Character Are You?
You are Hello Kitty! You love your friends and family, and are always off on amazing adventures. You love music, and have a strong sweet tooth!
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I'd like to meet:

Who I'd like to Meet
-Jesus Christ
-Tim Burton
-Walt Disney
-Johnny Depp
-Patti Smith
-Jim Morrison
-Charles Manson
-Andy Warhol
-Marylyn Monroe
-Paula Deen
-Janis Joplin
-Steven Spielberg
-J.K. Rowling
-Lewis Carrol
-Edgar Allen Poe
-Quentin Tarintino
-Wes Anderson
-Chris Crocker
-Che Guevera
-Angela Davis
-John Cameron Mitchell and the cast of Shortbus
-Gay Men
-Film Geeks
-Mod Rockers
-African Women
-Straight men who love, “High School Musical


My Godlike Music
~Big Brother and the Holding CO. with Janis Joplin
~The Beatles
~The Doors
~The Velvet Underground/Nico
~The White Stripes
~The Mamas and the Papas
~Patti Smith Group
~Sufjan Stevens
~Nellie McKay
~The Go!Team
~Modest Mouse
~The Who
~Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick, and Tich
~The Monkees
~Lancelot Link and the Evolution Revolution
~The Kinks
~Bob Dylan
~Elliot Smith
~Cat Stevens
~Simon and Garfunkel
~The Shins
~The Killers
~No Doubt
~The Black Eyed Peas
~The Dresden Dolls
~France Gall
~Jefferson Airplane
~The Beach Boys
~Animal Collective
~The Moldy Peaches
~Aimee Mann
~Corrine Bailey Rae
~Rufus Wainright
~Regina Spektor
~Bitch and the Exciting Conclusion
~James Blunt
~The Hives
~The Sex Pistols
~Red Hot Chili Peppers
~Gogol Bordello
~The Fugs
~Laura Cantrell
~Norah Jones
~Jack Johnson
~Tracy Chapman
~Joni Mitchell
~Joan Baez
~Carole King
~Jimi Hendrix
~David Bowie
~Led Zeppelin
~Sam Philips
~Tom Waits
~Jay Brannan
~Wade Warren
~Mark Delaney
~Scott Matthew
~Natalie Merchant
~Francoise Hardy
~The Flaming Lips
~Marcy Playground
~Pink Floyd
~The Misfits
~Johnny and June Carter Cash
~Ben Kweller
~Men at Work
~The Animals
~The Ramones
~The Rolling Stones
~The Electric Prunes
~The Eyes
~Old Bamboo
~Alaska in Winter
~The Still Fractures
~Alicia Keyes
~Green Day
~Elvis Pressley
~Marlene Dietrich
~Judy Garland
~Bing Crosby
~Michael Jackson
~Cyndi Lauper
~Destiney's Child
~Salt & Pepa
~Dezi Arnaz
~The Spice Girls
~The Fast Camels
~Asha Bhosle
~The Chantels
~Hedwig and the Angry Inch
~Serge Gainsbourg
~Fairport Convention
~Andrew Bird
~The Crystal Skulls
~Sleater Kinney
~James Taylor
~Edith Piaf
~The B-52's
~Marylin Manson
~and ANYTHING and EVERYONE of Motown, Doo Wop, and Soul

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I am indeed a film guru:Harold and Maude The Rocky Horror Picture Show Pulp Fiction The Wizard of Oz Star Wars Edward Scissorhands The Goonies Ghost World A Clockwork Orange Shortbus The Royal Tennenbaums Annie Hall Breakfast at Tiffany's Yellow Submarine Alice in Wonderland Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Chungking Express Almost Famous Dazed and Confused West Side Story Blue Velvet One Flew Over the Cukoo's Nest The Last Picture Show E.T. Hook The Breakfast Club Boogie Nights Heathers The Commitments Coffee and Cigarettes Hedwig and the Angry Inch Faster Pussycat! Kill! Kill! V for Vendetta Death Proof It's a Wonderful Life The Dreamers The Bad Education Band of Outsiders Moulin! Rouge Gone with the Wind The Nightmare Before Christmas Who Framed Roger Rabbit? Pink Flamingos Master of the Flying Guillotine Bram Stoker's Dracula Batman Returns The Seventh Seal American Movie


THERAPEUTIC MIND-NUMBING: I Love Lucy That 70's Show The Simpsons Family Guy Roseanne Six Feet Under Sex in the City The Office Arrested Development RENO: 911 The Brady Bunch The Partridge Family Scooby Doo Aqua Teen Hunger Force Beavis and Butt-head The King of Queens Will and Grace Seinfeld Curb Your Enthusiasm Fawlty Towers The Golden Girls 60 Minutes


My Pantheon of brilliant literature
-Naked Lunch
-White Oleander
-Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
-Fool on the Hill
-Valley of the Dolls
-High Fidelity
-About a Boy
-The Tao of Pooh
-The Te of Piglet
-Running with Scissors
-A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius
-The Perks of being a Wallflower
-Catcher in the Rye
-The Virgin Suicides
-The Last Picture Show
-The Hours
-Peyton Place
-Flowers in the Attic
-The Book Theif
-Charlotte's Web
-The Giver
-Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
-Salem's Lot
-The Complete works of Edgar Allan Poe
-The Midnight Club
-The Sword in the Stone
-The Magician's Nephew
-The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
-A Series of Unfortunate Events
-The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy
-The Only Astrology Book you'll ever need


My Heroes and Influences
-John Lennon
-Jeanie Sheets Sagoo
-Mary Weiss
-Bob Dylan
-Wade Warren
-Jay Brannan
-Mark Delaney
-Patti Smith
-Elliott Smith
-Kurt Cobain
-Mark Borchardt
-Pedro Almodovar
-Quentin Tarintino
-Stanley Kubrick
-Tim Burton
-John Cameron Mitchell
-Wes Anderson
-Johnny Depp
-Lucille Ball
-Holden Caufield
-Enid Coleslaw
-Joan Lee
-Diane Arbus
-Andy Warhol
-Salvador Dali
-Frida Kahlo
-J.K. Rowling
-Edgar Allan Poe
-Oscar Wilde
-Emily Dickinson
-Chris Crocker
-Angela Davis
-Che Guvera
-Martin Luther King
-Bobby Kennedy
-Jane Fonda
-Marie Antoinette
-Hello Kitty

My Blog

My regular Thursday night calling

Many of you have by now either heard or read about my infamous sex dream I had last Thursday with Gale Harold, formerly known as Brian Kinney from, "Queer as Folk." Last night, Thursday, Psychosis lov...
Posted by The Cereal Man {Needs a Boyfriend} on Sat, 31 May 2008 08:10:00 PST

When I lost it to Brian Kinney. OR: My first four times under psychosis

Last night I dreamt I had sex with Brian Kinney from "Queer as Folk." He took me into his big strong arms and we were both naked. The dream was so real because I could feel his dick inside of me. It w...
Posted by The Cereal Man {Needs a Boyfriend} on Sat, 24 May 2008 06:07:00 PST

Love maybe a Once thing.

You know how when you have your heartbroken by someone, its hard to experience things that remind you of that person? You know, you cant listen to a song you shared with them without getting upset. Or...
Posted by The Cereal Man {Needs a Boyfriend} on Wed, 09 Jan 2008 08:14:00 PST

Bringing in 2008 the way I wanted

It couldnt have been better. Matt, Brent, and I went and had dinner at The Roxy. It was nice being there when it was nice and mellow instead of when its packed with screaming club kids. I had an amazi...
Posted by The Cereal Man {Needs a Boyfriend} on Wed, 02 Jan 2008 08:01:00 PST

Christopher Cool presents: The Soundtrack of 2007

Like a Rolling Stone ~ Bob Dylan Fast Car ~ Tracy Chapman Fan Dance ~ Sam Philips David ~ Nellie McKay Chicago ~ Sufjan Stevens Huddle Formation ~ The Go! Team Chick Habit ~ April March Samson ~ Regin...
Posted by The Cereal Man {Needs a Boyfriend} on Tue, 01 Jan 2008 05:24:00 PST

The past five crazy ass dads.

Because give me a break, I know you people dont read my blogs. So, these past few days have been CRAZY! Ever since Thursday, which was the day I moved into my new apartment and stayed up until 4:00 in...
Posted by The Cereal Man {Needs a Boyfriend} on Mon, 24 Dec 2007 07:23:00 PST

The Realistic things I want for Christmas

Every year I ask for world peace and the love of my life. But with recent events taken into account, both seem impossible this Christmas. Moving on, here is a list of what I wouldnt mind getting this ...
Posted by The Cereal Man {Needs a Boyfriend} on Fri, 07 Dec 2007 07:27:00 PST

Honorable Mentions of Film Part 1.

MY FAVORITE DIRECTORS: Woody Allen, Pedro Almodovar, Robert Altman, P.T. Anderson, Wes Anderson, Ingmar Bergman, Tim Burton, Jean Cocteau, Terry Gilliam, Jean Luc Godard, Alfred Hitchcock, J...
Posted by The Cereal Man {Needs a Boyfriend} on Fri, 16 Nov 2007 09:45:00 PST

Christopher Cool presents: The Breakup Compilation

For the broken and lonely hearted, for the turned nialistic lovers, for the once passionate, for the anorexic romantics, this C.D. is for you. Christopher Cool's Music Brothel presents: The ...
Posted by The Cereal Man {Needs a Boyfriend} on Mon, 29 Oct 2007 03:37:00 PST

My India

A poem by I was introduced to by the brilliant Jack Kerouac . ----------------------- MY INDIA My India Is right in this houseHere I do my begging And my teachingI don't have to go anywhere Fortu...
Posted by The Cereal Man {Needs a Boyfriend} on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 08:18:00 PST