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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

My name is Julie Phineas and I am a work at home mom of 2 living in Southern California. I'm an open-minded woman with an inner desire to make the world a better place. I love to play with my children, listen to music, read, think, and expand my pool of knowledge. Most of my time is devoted to my family and home, plus I maintain a few blogs on Blogger . I also spend a lot of time connecting with my friends on MySpace and other social networking sites online. I hope you enjoy yourself as you look around my page. :o)
I was born here in So Cal back in February of 1978 – I was a 70’s baby! When I was 19 years old I moved over to New York, but I’m a Cali Girl at heart and found my way back home a little over a year later. I like to live my life creatively - I’m a free thinker and always try to keep an open mind to what’s going on. I’ve definitely got a humanitarian streak, and consider myself to be a crusader for the underdog. I like to solve problems and when I set my mind to something you’d better get out of my way! I’ve definitely got a tenacious spirit and can be a bit eccentric. What do you expect, I’m an Aquarius?! I’ve had my share of heartbreaks and joys, but ultimately my spiritual curiosity has led me to a place of inner peace where I can maintain my emotions in most situations.
Most of my time is devoted to my family and figuring out this crazy experience we call ‘life’. I am divorced from my children’s father and am now in a committed lesbian relationship with my wife, Gina. Creating a ‘blended family’ has been an interesting experience for me so far, and I am doing well in raising my son and daughter thru it all. The children are two years apart and share the same birthday – the 4th of July. Raising them is a huge responsibility, and entails a lot more work than I initially expected. I love my babies with all I’ve got and have gone thru thick and thin for them. I am a mommy to 3 angels that I lost in early pregnancy, and now the 2 children that I do have in my life are what’s most precious to me. I am involved in their day to day life and do my best to be a firm but fair modern mother. Because of a chronic illness called PCOS, I became extremely sick after I divorced. It was during that time that I officially ‘came out’ as a lesbian, and it wasn't easy coming out to the world with two children from a previous marriage - every single relationship I had was put under stress. Now I do what I can to prevent negativity and lead a healthy life because I know that stress is the enemy. I take a holistic approach to my health and wellness, and do my best to stay centered and grounded.
Since my childhood was very dysfunctional, I’ve had to learn a lot of lessons in my life - some the easy way and many more the hard way. Fortunately, I can say that I have no regrets… everything that has happened in my life has brought me to where I am today. I’ve really worked hard to take control of the direction of my life and evolve as a person from where I started in life. Through the tough times my spirituality has grown more profound; and my personal research has led me to ideas that shed light on the whole illusion of life. The book “The Disappearance of The Universe” by Gary Renard changed my life tremendously! It’s an introduction to “A Course in Miracles” which is a book published by the Foundation for Inner Peace. The changes you make as part of this course are simple changes in mental perspective. You don't have to tell anyone, or shout from the rooftops, it's all a state of mind. Sometimes you can't change the things that are happening all around you, but you CAN change how you think about things. So I am at the point now where I am searching for clarity on all this and delving more into things like forgiveness and meditation. New ideas and ways of looking at different experiences really do help me keep it all together and move forward with things in a productive way. Any time I pick up something to read, I try to choose something that will further my knowledge in some way and I love to learn insightful ways to improve on who I am as a person. I try to learn as much as I can by reading e-books, newsletters, magazines and basically anything else with words on it, plus it's always fun to see how celebrities handle life.
Fashion also interests me because it’s such a big part of life and how people feel about themselves. Most of what I have learned about style I’ve learned thru trial and error. I’ve made many fashion no-no’s and tried beauty secrets that should be kept secret! Sometimes I pull it together and make things happen… my curling iron works with me, my eyeliner isn’t fickle that day, and my kids don’t try to show me stuff when I’m putting on mascara. When I’m running around the house on the daily I like to throw my hair up and put on a good pair of jeans, but I love a good reason to get dressed up too. Because I am a stay at home mom and I work from home, I consider myself to be a housewife which lands handling the household stuff in my department. I am pretty good at organizing things which works in my favor since I’m not so good at staying on top of the mess. I do my best in between homework and coming up with an interesting yet healthy meal here and there. (*zzzz) It can be hard to get our little family of four together in one place sometimes, but when I do I love to cook hearty meals for us and any company. Exercising, having fun, laughing and enjoying life are also high priorities for me once I get the dishes done. Getting an eyebrow wax, massage or a pedicure is a nice treat, too. I try to enjoy being a woman and no matter what it is I’m doing, I try to make it count!
Gina and I try to stay connected through it all and at times it can be tough. Through it all we are committed to each other and our relationship plus keeping our family going strong. We like to watch movies and laugh together. It’s always funny to watch us in a heated debate, or fight for the remote. She’s a channel surfer – I’m a one channel woman. (*sigh) We are very much in love and you can usually see us out and about together at the grocery store, at the mall, or at the park with the kids. When I'm not taking care of the kids, cleaning the house, connecting with my wife, working on my blogs, or working on making my mind right and my body well, you can find me on message boards and online communities across the internet discussing various topics of interest. It’s always interesting to talk with new people and like minded friends to get their perspective on life. As you can read, I am pretty open about my life and am not afraid to discuss personal subjects or ask detailed questions.
You can usually find me online using the screen name ‘lifechanges’ and with Yahoo and Google my screen name is ‘makingchangetoday’. I send a lot of text messages with the phone wifey bought me for my birthday. I’m with Verizon and I use Yahoo for email and to instant message when I’m online. I've met many people online, and I link my page on My Space to all of my other profiles across the internet. Besides social networking online, I am working on spreading awareness for key causes that make life better for others. The issues that I am actively trying to build awareness for are Global Warming, Social Equality & Civil Rights, Same Sex Marriage, Women’s Issues, Children’s Issues, Literacy & Education, Food Safety, Health Care Reform, Consumer Rights & Corporate Responsibility, Human Trafficking, Genocide Awareness, Medical Marijuana, Prison Reform, Truth in Media, Wildlife Preservation, and Internet Safety. By spreading the word thru my own personal social network, I am hoping to cause a viral effect that will reach a tipping point and create an epidemic of change.
So that's pretty much all about me… feel free to leave me a comment below or send me a private message here on My Space. I am always happy to meet like minded people with similar interests, especially other lesbian moms. Add me if you have a page here on MySpace and think we would make good friends. I am always interested in insights, advice, and comments or finds, so contact me if you have anything you think I might be interested in. I really appreciate you for taking time from your day to read all “about me”. Much love to you and yours and be sure to take care of yourself out there in this big world!
~Julie Phineas~

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I am always happy to meet like minded people with similar interests, especially other lesbian moms. I like to discuss my interests online or write about them in my blogs. Topics I like to discuss are Living in Southern California, The Hispanic Culture, Family and Parenting, Self Improvement, Internet Business & Working from Home, Gay and Lesbian Issues, Spirituality & A Course in Miracles, Health & Wellness, Women Fashion Beauty, and Socializing Online.

My Blog

Noah & Trini Doing Disco - Too Funny!!

Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!..
Posted by on Sat, 27 Dec 2008 02:21:00 GMT

This Saturday - Light Up the Night for Equal Rights!

This Saturday (December 20th) the thousands of amazing volunteers at Join The Impact are working hard to host another national event - shedding the light of equality on our movement! Please join us t...
Posted by on Wed, 17 Dec 2008 22:41:00 GMT

Hello my family!

Damn I have been such a bad friend. I have literally hundreds of emails from friends, family members, all of YOU who have been reaching out to me. I swear I have emails from a year ago I haven't answe...
Posted by on Tue, 16 Dec 2008 00:55:00 GMT

I'm Calling in Gay

Hello? I can't come in to work today, I'm gay. Today is Human Rights Day and Day Without A Gay; and since I am not afforded all of the same basic rights as heterosexuals, I will not participate in any...
Posted by on Wed, 10 Dec 2008 02:36:00 GMT

The Real Threat To Children In Schools

Would you say that being able to send your child to school without fear of his persecution an inalienable right? When you see your child's face driving away on the school bus, does your heart flutter...
Posted by on Mon, 24 Nov 2008 21:36:00 GMT

UPDATED: What Do We Do Now?? An Answer to The Gay Marriage Bans

If you were one of the couples affected by the gay marriage bans voted into law in the states of Florida, Arizona, or California, our sincerest condolences go out to you and your family in this time....
Posted by on Mon, 10 Nov 2008 23:11:00 GMT

Urgent: Prop. 8 Rally Calls to March on Mormon Temple in Los Angeles Nov. 6th

Lez Get Real's own contributors were at the Prop. 8 Protest Rally held in Santa Monica, CA earlier tonight. Streets were closed in the area to accommodate the gathering. Here is what happened at that...
Posted by on Thu, 06 Nov 2008 08:38:00 GMT

The Fight is Far from Over

I have been sitting here in front of my TV and computer since yesterday. Prop. 8 is projected to win, with over 95% of the votes being counted. The latest word is that there are still around 3 millio...
Posted by on Wed, 05 Nov 2008 19:52:00 GMT

Free Coffee, Carbs, and Ice Cream on Election Day

  I cast my vote this morning, and this Election Day you can get FREE STUFF for doing so! I like FREE so I went and picked up my free cup of coffee after I read this article: Go Get Your Free Cup...
Posted by on Tue, 04 Nov 2008 08:18:00 GMT

Our Wedding Pic is In Curve

Curve magazine is "the nation's best-selling lesbian magazine" and offers lesbian-related entertainment, news, politics, pop culture, style, and more. In this month's issue you can find a picture of m...
Posted by on Thu, 02 Oct 2008 07:50:00 GMT