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About Me

I'm more than a bit scattered, and I'm graceful in the same way a kitten pretends to be after falling off a bookshelf. I giggle when I'm nervous......Um so I giggle a lot. I have a tendency to be obscenely passionate about everything I feel is remotely worth bothering with. As a result of this, I've become of jack of all trades, master of only a couple. At least I'm rarely bored. A couple years ago, I decided to move to London to further my education and maybe find a nice studio to work in. I have since graduated and am now applying for post-grad programmes. This is very exciting, but not something I ever thought I'd do. In September 2007 I moved back to NYC to work at the audio engineering school I attended and find it very fulfilling to help other people learn about the one thing I'm most passionate about. My life has revolved around SAE and audio for about 6 years now and they've been the most amazing years of my life. I also write music when I have the energy to do so- mixing my career & my hobby kinda had an odd effect on my creativity, but I seem to be getting my groove back. I have two kitties that love me very much- their names are Zarathustra and Rembrandt. Zara has lived in 2 US states and drove cross country in a U-Haul truck with me once. Remmy was born in my Brooklyn, NY apartment on July 27th 2005 and called California home for a few months. They are two of my favourite people in the world and flew 5,422 miles to be with me in London, then flew 3,470 miles from there back to NYC with me. They're very well traveled cats.

My Interests

a clockwork orange, absinthe, analogue, anthropology, antique books, audio eng, bad horror, black coffee, BOP!, cello, cheese, christopher walken, cthulhu, david bowie, devo, freakshows, goth clubs, bad kitties, frijolitas satanicas, industrial, jan svankmejer, johnny cash, kubrick, Bow Wow my name is Luca, oingo boingo, pro audio, The Tate Modern, recording, fetish, red, red wine, sideshows, sushi, randomness, synthesizers, taschen, terry gilliam, big slides, the cure, the simpsons, tim burton, vintage gear, walter carlos, wang chung, wendy carlos, zarathustra, zero

I'd like to meet:

Don Knotts, Wendy Carlos, Johnny Mathis, Melora Creager, various dead relatives, God, god, Trent Reznor, European and Asian peasants from around the 12th to 17th centuries, Joseph Cambell, mad composers, distant relatives, random interesting people I see on the train, an astronaut, The Dalai Lama, other people trying to be engineers, really weird eccentric people who land me in odd situations


Johnny Cash, Rasputina, Nine Inch Nails, David Bowie, The Cure, The Faint, Depeche Mode, Joy Division, most Zoloft commercials, Tool, Marilyn Manson, KMFDM, Oghr, Sigur Ros, Front Line Assembly, Skinny Puppy, Siouxsie, John Frusciante, New Order, Devo, Tear Garden, Ween, The Doors, Dead Can Dance, Junior Boys, The Author, Feeline, Mano Chao, ESG, Bjork, Luigi Russolo, Mogwai, Boy Kill Boy, Ellen Allien, Kraftwerk, Radiohead, Bass Clef, Velvet Underground, Pink Floyd, Gogol Bordello, me
You're barocco!

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In the year 2007 I resolve to:
Stop dating musicians.

Get your resolution here.


Forbidden Zone, Urotsukidoji, Cowboy Bebop, Lost Boys, Vampire Hunter D, Hedwig and the Angry Inch, The Breakfast Club, Heathers, The Adventures of Baron Munchausen, The Night Porter, Kung Fu anything, Old Boy, I ? Huckabees, What The Bleep Do We Know?..... I'll probably add more as I think of them.Movies that I haven't seen enough times to call them my favorite, but I'm working on it: Secretary, Stacy: Attack of the Schoolgirl Zombies, Shaun of the Dead, The Ring, La Blue Girl,


Was slowly killing me, so I've removed it from my home.


Lamb: The Gospel According to Jesus' Childhood Friend Biff, Snowcrash, A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius, Perfume, The Covert War Against Rock (paranoid, but fun), Strange Wine, anything with pictures, Geek Love, Stories That Scared Even Me by Alfred Hitchcock, Cryptonomicon, The Dante Club, Nymphomation, The Master And Margarita, Crime & Punishment, The Poe Shadow........Actually everything I've been reading has been pretty damn cool lately. My two favourite book recommendors right now are a moody Serbian with a PhD and a sweet (but also moody) computer tech/graphic artist. They've done well for me.


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