sweet scent vanilla|chocolate chips|icecream|tuna sandwich of mama kathy|cheezwhiz of gene|yakult|mango flavored yogart|strawberry scented bodywash|the body shop|powdered milk in my taho|manong's taho|powdered milk in my coke|powdered milk/condensed milk in my rice|phone calls at night offs|pasta linguine|tuna pasta in soulshop|bestfriend willow|dogs|yellow stuff|fucsia pink|green jackets|white as my nuetral color|hate black|kissing|hugging|sweet nothings|hopeless romantic movies|
God, Holden Caulfield(he's such a madman!), Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom...
RnB, hiphop, soul...dreamsounds,feel good friday of wave 89.1 my latest is narda! huwaaat?! hehe... i just love it.
munich, memoirs of a geisha...
i dont watch tv...im an alien!
doctor to the barrios, catcher in the rye, eleven minutes, the pearl
my mom and dad and rogue!