Drumming, recording, mixing, woodworking, backpacking, snowboarding, strategic planning, anything technical, debating, understanding, guessing, predicting, estimating, pretending, doing, relaxing, and when time permits -
I love to meet people. I like to see what motivates people and hear about their passions.The drummers I would love to meet are:
Your Inner European is Russian!
Mysterious and exotic.
You've got a great balance of danger and allure.
Who's Your Inner European?
I am the drummer for ARC, a new organically progressive rock band. I grew up listening to progressive rock. Mars Volta, Rush, Led Zepplin, Yes, Incubus, Primus, Dream Theater, Muse are some of my favorites. I have a soft spot for jazz and classical. I love music...and cannot imagine who I would be without it.
I am a movie lover....unfortunately I can get sucked into a really bad movie....but I remember the good ones.
Man vs Wild...~food network. Weather channel. Kids videos...some of them actually are still good after watching them 1000 times.
Currently wondering what is worth reading next.
I have found that heroes in my life have always been the ones closest to me.