turntable, vinyl, vinyl, vinyl, vinyl, drums, guitars, bass, cars, ps2, pc online game, books, chocolates, lollipops, ice-cream, candy, marshmellow, sweets!
oldies seeker, vinyl junkies, 60's, 70's, 80's, everybody... but HELL NO to racist, sexist, fascist minded. damn no to bush propaganda. this world is full of filth.
ABBA + carpenters + migraviolenta + holokrust + vakivaltaa + kutabare + axisofevil + fixative + lead2nitrate + thecardigans + hellnation + massseparation + lifeinexile + behindenemylines + garmonbozhia + disrespect + blackmarketfetus + ak47 + mob47 + racak + sickterror + nyiblorong + hewhocorrupts + dahmer + carcassgrinder + extremehate + extremenoiseterror + LIZTAYLOR + grossmember + infest + manisthebastard + ds13 + code13 + myprecious + deadinfection + sharonstoned + channelx + vitaminx + gride + ingrowing + jump little children + utadahikaru + ayumihamasaki + kiroro + maayasakamoto + existench + amen + disclose + thevarukers + confuse + asiandubfoundation + bt + countingcrows + courseofnature + customdaisy + fallenworld + glay + gackt +haemorrhage + lunasea + muse + xjapan + disarm + skitkids + totalitär + abcweapons + pisschrist + santaesmeralda + THECARPENTERS + mayumiitsuwa
thelordoftherings + harrypotter + twoweeksnotice + thelastsamurai + taleoftwosisters + toofasttoofurious + piratesofthecarribean
simpson + moneytree + journeytothewest + sexandthecity + sephia + futurama
thelordoftherings + aptpupil + shawshankredemption