Victor profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

I'm too modest to talk about myself, so I'm going to let my friend Cathy write it for me...What's not to say about the boy... He's sweet, warm, funny, caring, cute,has a unique sense of humor and an interesting take on the world and life in general. He just needs to meet the right woman. I would date him myself but I'm dating his best friend Brian.My best friend Brian just highjacked the keyboard...About Vic, as Vic's personal hero and best friend, I would just like to say that everything Cathy said is true, including the dating part. I've known Vic for twenty years. He's an amazing guy, he's a little shy, but once you break through the ice, he's the coolest, sincerest, most honorable, trustworthy guy I've ever known. I consider him part of my family. Any woman who decides to date him, I can guarantee, they will spend the rest of their lives, wondering how they got so lucky...and if he tries to change one word of this I'll break his fingers....

My Interests

Hanging out with friends, expanding my mind, good conversation, going to the city, concerts, comedy clubs, restaurants, road trips.

I'd like to meet:

I don't know... Whats not cliche. I'm always willing to meet new people. I would'nt mind meeting THE ONE.


My taste in music runs slightly off track, some of my favorite bands are: Ministry, Skinny Puppy, GNR, Public Enemy, and anything completely cool.


You'll have to ask me about that one in person....


Anything that takes a brainpan to watch.


I read a lot, it would be impossible to list all of my favorites....


My heros are my friends Cathy and Brian.