alright guys and gals, this is me, summing myself up. i'm Britaini, and unlike most of the people in this generation, I want to make a difference. I am a mixture of laughs, smiles, care, fun, love, and hope. I believe I was put of earth for a reason, I believe everyone was. I am going to spend as long as it takes to find my reason. I am not really interested in what society has to offer anymore. I believe everyone is beautiful in some way. The world is an interesting place, I want to get out and explore it. I don't believe I need school and grades to prove I am a smart individual. Just because I don't spend all my time doing research and homework doesn't make me any less smart. School these days just makes kids miserable. I don't deal with drama at all so don't bother bringing it to me. I live my life according to what makes me happy, not what makes you sleep better at night.
I think that at some point in my life I will find someone who will make me happier then anyone else regardless of gender. I don't think sexual orientation matters when love is involved, because I can't control who I care about so why should it matter who it is?
Love who you want to love and love them with everything you are, never question your heart and where it guides you or you could wind up missing out on the most incredible thing in your life.