Jorge profile picture


Inasequible al desaliento

About Me

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My Interests

Me gustan las madalenas, las bolsas de plástico, el cementerio, el dinero...

I'd like to meet:

Jeremy Clarkson. It won't be pretty.


Chuck Berry
Small Faces

The rest... I just pretend to like.


Big Bubble Butt Cheerleaders, Big Bubble Butt Cheerleaders 2, Big Bubble Butt Cheerleaders 3, Big Bubble Butt Cheerleaders 4, Big Bubble Butt Cheerleaders 5.

I specially recommend Number 5. Flower Tucci and Sophie put in some great and very moving performances.

Number 6 and 7 are a bit of a disapointment. The script suffered a bit from the common places and rehashing usual when studios do too many sequels. The dialogue is a particular problem, but the characters also lack depth and it all feels a bit... well... limp.




Kurt Vonnegut
Philip Roth
George Orwell


My Dad! mwuahahbuhahbaahahahahaha!

Nah, seriously, Mr. Thomas N'Kono.
Well... ALMOST seriously.