We are owned by a handsome Pug named Pugsley!
We are in the process of updating our profile.
We recently opened our Pupcake Store. We are looking for distributors of our goodies all over the United States. If you are interested in more details please message us.
We are in the process of revamping our profile. Stay tuned for all kinds of changes.
PetHealth OPC Formula with Glucosamine offers a unique, great-tasting powder that is easily sprinkled over your dog's or cat's regular food. Representing the latest technology available today in naturally based pet-food supplements. It provides free radical-fighting, antioxidant protection and joint and cartilage support to your dog or cat to help ensure they live healthy lives.
The secret behind GlobalCare products are biological accelerators called enzymes. Enzymes speed up the rate of chemical reactions by as much as 10 million times the normal rate. When used in cleaning products, like GlobalCare Pet Magic, enzymes accelerate the breakdown of stains and odors, just like the enzymes in your body help you break down and digest foods. Pet Magic uses enzymes to eliminate offensive animal odors and stains with just a quick spray on the affected area. Completely safe for humans and animals. Pet Magic can be used in litter boxes and pet cages.
For more information on these products or to place an order please message me.
This profile was edited with Deltox Myspace Editor