Music, Movies, Rock Climbing, Soccer, Gaming, Tats, Art, Guitars, Shows, Muay Thai, Brazilian Jujitsu, Amplifiers (Vintage & Modern, kickin it with the homies and all sorts of ill shit.....
Musicians, poeple to jam with, Cyborgs, Underground agencies that thrive on Chaos, people under 2 & 1/2 feet tall, the guy who invented jello, and anyone else who thinks there intresting enough to hold my intrest....
Se7en, Star Wars, Boondock Saints, 300, Devil's Rejects, Sepultura live in Sao Paulo, Godfather, Minority Report, Quills, Happyness, Scarface, The Prestige, Batman Begins, The Usual Suspects, Beetlejuice, Pi, Thank You for Smoking, Army of Darkness, Donnie Darko, The Professional, Casino Royale, Pantera: 3 Vulgar Videos. .. mspobj type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" height="350" width="425"
LOST!!!!!!!!!! Ultimate Fighter, Scrubs, Good Eats, & Top Chef.
Lords of Chaos, JTHM, Squee, A Brief History of Time, Doors of Perception, First World Ha Ha Ha, Zapatista, Prison Writings of Leonard Peltier. Basically any informational book that has caught my attention .
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