i am intrest in hotttttttttttttttttt guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'd like to meet:
i like to meet hot guys
V Valiant
A Adventurous
N Neglected
E Entertaining
S Serious
S Serious
A Appreciative
Name / Username:
Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com
i love to listen to hiphop rap and poprock
i like to watch scary and funny movies
i love watching the simpson ,south park, and growing up gotti those r my fav shows i luv to watch everyday
my favorite books to read is harry potter books or chicken soup. i don't really read so those r the books i lread wen i need to do a book reaport....
i my heros r my parent bcuz they buy me things and help me wen i am sick.that wat makes them my hero. also my friends r my hero cuz they always have my back and they cheer me up .