That Original <danny.BONES> profile picture

That Original &lt;danny.BONES&gt;

Dandar Dandylion *Learn it* *Live it* *Love it*

About Me

Dandar Dandylion *Learn it* *Live it* *Love it*
if my eyes could tell my life by looking into them
you would be amazed on why im the way i am
i dont regret life i just simply despise the things that happened
i will never complain about my life because everyone has there own idea on a tough life
mine may be bad but in cases it may be good
so if ur here to complaiun about how shit ur life is
and how everyone should feel sorri for u
well i agree they should feel sorri for u on how insensative u r to others
thats rite bitches dont complain to me
i'm bi!
if ya have a prob with that then bite me
because im proud of who i am even if you not
i probly will like you!
i'm single!
i love candy!
i'm a flirt!
i can be a bitch!
who am i?
why im Dandar Dandylion!
who do i like?
why it could just be you!
i'm very shy at first
i hate my school pupils
i am not emo, because i like my life and want to live
i love my friends to death
i love my family to death
i'm not anorexic
so dont tell me to eat
i'm not pretty
i'm vain
i hate my face
i love yours
i am really nice
but i can be bitch
i dont lie
so dont lie to me
i respect everyone
i just may not like the way u respect me
i love hugs
if ya want my addy for msn its

My Interests



AMBER she is great. weve had our bitch session but for some reason its like i cant not have her as a friend she means the world to me and it would be a terrible lose to all that knew her if she went so im glad to have her as my friends she like rocks words cant describe how good she is:
BRIDGET bridget has always been there for me i know i can trust her always and forever she is like one of the greates people youll find:

I'd like to meet:

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Why add him? Becuase he is awthumb He likes to talk And has wicked sick friends

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Perfection is a personal opinion
What is perfect to one
May not be perfect to another

Hello there my fellow viewers. My name is Danny. I am guessing you would like to know about who i am, and what i indulge in. Well here goes.

I am what people would call unique. I do not follow trends, nor do I try to fit in. I never try to fit in for the shear fact I wouldn't be myself. I would just be a clone of the group. I respect myself in each way i act and think. Even if the way i act and think are totally inappropriate. I am one of those people who when i say i will tell you things to your face then i will. I do take honesty seriously and hate to bullshitted to. I dont fear to much in my life. I dont fear getting the shit kicked out of me, because i know that i am stronger then them no matter how much the bruises show on my skin. I am different to most people and i like this about me. Get to know me you will see that i am a fun filled person. I love to party and i love to laugh every day.

My friends know that i am a faithful and loyal companion, and only 2 know what my life has consisted of. I have had a reasonably tough life. I have seen certain things that teenagers shouldn't. But hey this is the life i have been delt and i will continue to play this game called LIFE.

My Mother and Sister are one thing in my life that no matter how much something happens. I know that we will consistantly have a bond that no other person could replace. So basically they are my life source and with out them. I would probaly wither up and die.

I wish to be a famous photographer by the age of 26. This has been a dream of mine since i was about the age of 7. I will pursue this dream to the maximum and will never rest till it is fullfilled.

Well this is me and if you like what you hear then please hit me up.


Top ten bands or singers
in no particular order

The Butterfly Effect
I Am Ghost
My Chemical Romance
The Presets
Marylin Manson
The Rasmus
The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus


These are my Heros.
You are the women i cherish and look upto in a person. You are one of the strongest people i have ever known. You are my wonderwall. Forever you will never seize to amaze me with your inner strangth and love for me and Tisha. I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER.
Tisha, you have no idea how much happier you make me feel when im around you. You are truly my inspiration to anything in life. I know you will always be here for me. I will always love you and never stop loving you. YOU ARE MY FAVOURITE PERSON IN THE WORLD.
This girl is amazing. She has been so kind to me. We have never fought about anything. We never shall. We will continue to grow together as friends. LOVE YOU GIRL.
This boy may not see me everyday. Or hang out much. Little does he know. That he has a place in my heart that not many people fill. He is a wonderful guy. YOUR GREAT.

My Blog

Poem 5: The World’s

The real world a world of digust a world of hatered a world of remorse a world of sorrow a world of vengence Your world a world of happiness a world of love a world of remebering a world of caring a ...
Posted by That Original [[danny.BONES]] on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 01:41:00 PST

Poem 4: Forever

I hear the wind pass me by with each passing blow i carry on remembering the day that we first meet holding a piece of your life inside my heart responding to nothing but only your words i want you...
Posted by That Original [[danny.BONES]] on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 01:39:00 PST

Poem 3: What Will Be

A tear can be caught A person can be faught So let me be the one to catch your tear And lets fight through this thing called fear A fear of loving someone and not know the future a fear of dying with...
Posted by That Original [[danny.BONES]] on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 01:38:00 PST

Poem 2: Whisper

a whisper controls our secret but once a shout is unfolded the secret becomes the rumour the rumour that may destroy us but destroying us keeps us together together we do shine once the shine fades ...
Posted by That Original [[danny.BONES]] on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 01:36:00 PST

Poem 1: How Can You?

how can you see me when your to blind to see youself through the shade of light you continue to believe that what you are is right no sympathy for others even when the tear streams down their face wi...
Posted by That Original [[danny.BONES]] on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 02:34:00 PST