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About Me

hey jorge i love you more then anything. Im so glad your my BFFL! At first i thought i would never date a guy that dresses like you or acts like you but when i met you changed my whole out look on things even through i eat meat and you dont like and and you hardly eat and i dont like that but i will always be here for you bby and never let you go i love every moment we spend together
love q
YO! this is yen. jorge is freaking AHH-MAAY-ZING! he's one of my bff and i love him to death. he's funny as hell and the coolest dude i've ever met :] i just met him not so long ago but i already love his ass. i can talk to him about anything and i know he'll listen. he's SKINNY AS HELL! without him imma be fat :( 'cause no one will share lunch with me. school won't be the same without him walking around with me. he's crazy as shit. don't mess with him nikka. i'll beat your mother fucking ass. I LOVE YOU JORGE!
..jorge. i've known jorge forever, literally. ever since i was a little shy azn karate grlll. and you were all mexicann and had a buzzcuttt. we're still best friends & i love him very muchh. he's always there for me now matter what & he's one of the cutest, nicest guy friend a girl can have. he always has my back and is so fun to be with, he's the sweetest guy around when you get to know him. he's hilarious and crazy amazing to hang out with and always has some really random thing to talk about. he's a cutieee. he can be really crazy and fun when you want to just live it up, or serious when you really need to talk. he's always there for me and i love him so much. :} hollaaa.! lolol i love you so much jorge. <3

OMG! Jorge your hot i wana rip your skin off and wear to skoo to show all my frends. I wana b jus like you wen i grow up to b a big gurl. Mayb then my dad will finally love me!! haha I love you bitch and your man candy. We've been frend for like a year an a half now holy jizz in my pants it feals like ive known you fo forevr. I jus wan eat all you babies all the time I cant contain my self your jus to koo jorge I cant hlp but wana rip your tight panties off with my teeth lol
I don't know you that well but you seem like a really kick ass kid and I think you've got something great coming outta you and you should follow your dreams and don't you EVER let any shit talkers get to you <3

My Interests


Member Since: 20/07/2007
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Aim= yes lord stud . Hit me up!<3

Influences: !!! Start Code To Apply Top Banner !!!! Custom top banner code by Eileen!!! End Code To Apply Top Banner !!!
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Type of Label: Unsigned

My Blog

Father's Day - Baby Daddy Song ~ TheRealParis
Posted by on Sun, 28 Jun 2009 15:09:00 GMT