I'm just an all American chick with a heart that's too forgiving and an insain amount of patience. I'm normally quiet and laid back, but when pushed, I have no problem standing up for myself.goddess (god'is) noun: 1. A female being of supernatural powers, worshiped by a people. 2. An image of a female supernatural being; an idol. 3. A woman of great beauty or grace. ~~~~~~What does one say about oneself and not seem egocentric .. or crazy or just simply simple... I suppose there are many parts of me, many sides to who I am .. I suppose I could say I am simply complicated .. and normally crazy .. and as contradictory as anything ever .. I refuse to add limits to my life ..or shove myself into a box .. or say I am more one way than the other .. I have many issues with all things that bind and confine me .. I am not perfect .. not a saint .. I am a deep loving, God fearing sinner .. with as many issues and insecurities as most people .. I admit my faults .. I love from here to forever and I cherish the simplest things in this life .. I can honstly say that at the end of my life there will be many loves of my life .. and many moments I look back on in sadness and joy .. I love art in all forms .. I am strong and passionate .. a giver a taker.. a friend and a foe... I am a teacher and student in this life .. My life is what it is .. I am just a girl .. just a friend .. simply Stacy... if you want to discover more of who and what I am .. take the time to actually get to know me, the person I am on the inside, not just what you see.. If being strong, succesful and independent makes me a bitch, so be it .... I am someone's lover, someone's best friend, someone's daughter, someone's mother...I believe firmly that if you have something to say, say it .. I would ...I can't stand people that want a hand out..work for what u want.... if you think you can depend on anyone for anythying you have a harsh reality coming.... family definitely comes first~there is nothing I would not do for the ones that I love~I avoid liars!!!~ I'm not a racist, I'm a stereotypist~if people stop falling into the stereotypes, I'll stop stereotyping~~ my sense of humor is definitely dry and sarcastic~I'm witty and a smart ass and I'll find humor in things most people can't even look at head on~ I am me, I am always going to be this way~AND for every spoiled, ungrateful person, there are a million less fortunate people searching for their next meal. So the next time you are obsessing over brand name clothing and that $1000 purse, think about the kid that's digging in the garbage in search of something as simple as body nourishment.... and that my friends...is a piece of me.