:New York::Bound: profile picture

:New York::Bound:

:::: SharpFashion::::

About Me

:SharpFashion: Heaven's not a place that you go when you die. It's that moment in life when you actually feel alive.. The Lord is my savior. Music, Poetry, Friends. All aspects of who i am. I have alot of respect for girls. People who look like they came straight from a vintage photograph amaze me. The amount I write never translates into how much I speak outside this website. I'm sympathetic towards the poor and less fortunate, but can never seem to do anything about it. Im humble and proud of myself and family. Examples, you may ask? Why does he speak highly of himeself. I dont i just enjoi what i do. I'm involved alot with photogrphy. skateboarding. music. The musicians I could list are futile in defining who I am. I'm not going to list every band in the universe for the sake of a scavenger hunt on my behalf. Dont be afraid of who you really are. l I can see through you so dont try to cover up. I know your intentions so lets stop this from happening.
Nail polish. Make up. eyeliner. isn't a common necessity amongst the current male society. Feel free to message me, but don't expect much. I'll send word depending on mood and behavior. The following are some trivial facts you should probably know.. .. .. Lets get something straight here... im a normal kid... and i have a life. That means i cant spend my whole entire day on myspace messaging people back or commenting on peoples pages. With that said... dont get upset if someone on myspace doesnt add you, or doesnt comment you back... Well ive been on here for 3 years... so having alot of friends just sort of happened, i didnt go around asking EVERYONE to be my friend. .. .. People just asked me... and i said yes. Why deny friendship? Im not going to be stuck up and not add someone because of thier looks... or only add people i know in person... thats not what myspace is about... Its about making NEW friends and aquaintances you coudlnt meet anywhere else.to people that apparently have a problem with me: .. I think its ridiculous how people can say they dislike me when they dont even know me; they just get mad at the fact i have alot of friends on a website... or something pertaining to that matter. .. i dont need hundreds of more messages that contain two words : "your hot", "your cute", etc... you can say i dont have a life all you want...i am that of a breed that doesnt die. just go to a better place. join me what you should know. I have a heart, but you'll never see or feel it. If you ask me a stupid question - I'll give you a stupid answer. . . SharpFashion. Im not shy. I'm not a coin operated boy. sjour parl With my special glasses I see right through you.

:I have 1896 Friends


My Interests

I'd like to meet:

My Blog

Photography -ellis-

Im adding a few photos from my photography. Let me know if anyone has or knows a way for me to buy a nice camera thanks. Enjoy. Many photos are also by carah ellis. -joshuah ellis-.....
Posted by :New York::Bound: on Sat, 05 Aug 2006 04:23:00 PST