Kate profile picture


Life is not about the breaths we take but about the moments that take our breath away.

About Me

So I'm from Missouri (don't make fun, I know). I'm very easy going, but I'm not afraid to tell you what's up either. I'm a little on the wild side if I have a friend to join me in the craziness. But I also like to stay home and watch a good scary movie (although I like every scary movie ever made, I'm a little corny like that). If you want to know more about me don't hesitate to message me.

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About You
Full Name Katherine Marie Wooden
Birthdate March 16, 1982
Birth Place Warrensburg, MO
Current Location Marshall, MO
Eye Color Green
Hair Color Light Brown
Height 5'7"
Piercings 3, all in the ears
Tattoos Nope
Boyfriend/Girlfriend My main man Wlm
Food Steak
Color Green
Candy N/A
Number 11
Animal Dog, although I always thought it would be cool to have a monkey
Drink Sweet Tea
Alcholic Drink Bud Light
Bagel N/A
Letter N/A
Part of Opposite Sex's Body Eyes
Sport Soccer and some Football
Place Cali Baby!!!
Band Dave Mathews, Simon and Garfunkel, CCR...umm there's too many
Person Friends and Family, I know it's not just one but I don't know where I'd be without them
Actor/Actress Johnny Depp
Car '67 Mustang
Movie Goonies or Empire Records, but I'm a big horror movie fan
This or That
Pepsi or Coke Personally I like RC Cola
Chocolate or Vanilla Chocolate
Hug or Kiss BOTH
Dog or Cat Both
Summer or Winter Summer
Rap or Rock Rock
Bedtime Never the same
Most Missed Memory The summer after I graduated High School
Best Psyical Feature My ass, at least that's what I'm told
First Thought When You Wake Up DAMN!!! It's that time already
Fear Weird but I'm deathly afraid of sharks
Longest Relationship 7 months
Have You Ever
Smoked Yes
Done Drugs Yes
Been Drunk OH YEAH
Been Beaten Up Nope
Beaten Someone Up Nope, I hate violence
Shoplifted embarrassing but yeah
Skinny Dipped yep
Been Dumped yeah
Dumped Someone yes
In A Girl/Guy
Eye Color Blue or Green
Hair Color Doesn't matter
Hair Length Clean Cut but some guys can pull the shag off
Tattoos whatever
Piercings sure
Does Drugs Absolutely not
Drinks yeah
Build Average
Looks or Personality Personality but I have to be initially attracted to them
Random Things
What Country Would You Like To Visit All of them
How Do You Want To Die In my sleep
Been To The Mall Lately Nope
Do You Like Thunderstorms That's one of my favorite things
How Many Cds DO You Own A LOT
What Kind Of Music Do You Like All kinds, whatever moves me in my many moods
Do You Get Along With Your Parents yes, most of the time
Do you Smoke Yes
Are You A Health Freak No, but I would kind of like to be
Do You Think Youre Attractive Not really
Belive In Yourself For the most part
Where Do You See Yourself In 2 Years I have no idea
5 Years Hopefully married
Do you Shower Daily maybe even twice daily
Have You Ever Been In Love yes
Do You Sing yes
Do You Want To Get Married Absolutely
Do You Want To Have Kids Definitely
Did You Ever Have A Crush Yes
Have You Ever Kissed The Same Sex Yes, drunkin nights...what can i say
Talk Alot some times
Play Sports bum leg
MySpace Contact Tables from MySpace Editor .

My Interests

PHOTOGRAPHY, drawing, pottery, movies, hiking, exploring the world, people watching (very interesting just to sit on a bench and watch the people go by)

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I'd like to meet:

I would have liked to have met my uncle Wayne who I didn't have the priviledge to know who was killed in Vietnam...The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, The Doors, the list goes on and on (I love music!)

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EVERYTHING!! (well...except opera). I like music that causes an emotion of some sort


All horror films(don't ask me why, i don't know), The Boondock Saints, Goonies, Empire Records, Dazed and Confused, etc.


Grey's Anatomy, Lost, CSI, One Tree Hill, That 70's Show, Family Guy, Sci Fi Channel


Harry Potter (don't laugh, they're awesome), I don't read a lot of books. My mind always wonders and then I have to read the same thing over again, it's very annoying.


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My Parents of course, everyone in the Peace Corp, anyone who wants to make a difference for the good, oh and people who like to make others laugh.. ww.myspacepicturecodes.com/myspace-graphics/myspace-graphics -poemquotoes/myspace-graphics-quotes2.jpg" border="0" alt="Myspace Codes & Myspace Code"
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My Blog

thoughts over 2 months

I have to say the reason I got on this site was to keep in touch with friends and ones you thought you lost. I didn't really come here to make new friends, but they're always welcome. So far I've fo...
Posted by Kate on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 01:01:00 PST