*MIKE!♥ * ELVIS♥ * looking at stars is my all time favorite thing to do * singing * acting * college * music * parties * friends * movies * cuddling♥ * road trips * canada trips * haunted houses * concerts♥ * running * im a text whore * tuesday nite parties * talking * people watching * mall trips and shopping sprees * sleeping on the living room floor * and life, i love life ♥
I'd like to meet:
i love meeting new people! :)IM ME!: simplyblonde3
panic! at the disco baby!and heres the one and only sean!and us girls and doug!doug and i being cute! ♥
♥ ♥ mike=♥
I respect ALL music..i just choose not to listen to all of it. Music =love and I ♥ this music: Slipknot!!♥, MCR!, Out of Line, Fall Out Boy, Hawthorn Heights, Coheed and Cambria, MONTY, BLEEDING THROUGH!♥, THORW DOWN!, UNEARTH, ATREYU!!♥, Thrice, All American Regects, Avenged Sevenfold,3 Days Grace, Ace of Base, Aerosmith, Alter Bridge, Audioslave, Blink 182, Bowling for Soup, Disturbed, Foo Fighters, Ramones, Silverchair, Simple Plan, Taking Back Sunday, Trapt, Weezer, Gorillaz, Good Charlotte, HIM, The Killers, Linkin Park, Mudvayne, New Found Glory, Papa Roach, PInk:), still remains, led zeplin, winter solstice, otep, soad, MSI, august burns red, bleed the sky, blood simple, brand new, CHIMAIRA!, cradle of filth, demon hunter, devil driver, down driven, god forbid, hatebreed, ill nino, it dies today, johnny cash, journey, kill switch engage, lacuna coil, lamb of god, korn, pantera, poison the well, queen, rob zombie, powerman 5000, slayer, the agony scene, thine eyes bleed, trivium, as i lay dying, spill canvas, panic! at the disco ♥ and SoOoOooo many more...
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people need to start making real scary movies....i haven't seen a good one in forever.
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♥I can take the rain
on the roof of this empty house.
that don’t bother me.
I can take a few tears now and then.
And I just let em out.
I’m not afraid to cry every once in a while.
Even though going on with you gone still upsets me.
There are days every now and again
I pretend I’m okay.
But that’s not what gets me.
What hurts the most
was being so close♥.
And having so much to say
and watching you walk away.
And never knowin'
what could’ve been.
And not seeing that loving you
is what I was trying to do♥.It’s hard to deal with the pain
of losing you everywhere I go.
But I’m doing it.
It’s hard to force that smile
when I see our old friends and I’m alone.
Still harder getting up, getting dressed, living with this regret
but I know if I could do it over
I would trade, give away
all the words that I saved in my heart
That I left unspoken.
Not seeing that loving you.
That’s what I was trying to do.♥
♥Women have strengths that amaze men.
They bear hardships and they carry burdens,
but they hold happiness, love and joy.
They smile when they want to scream.
They sing when they want to cry.
They cry when they are happy
and laugh when they are nervous.
They fight for what they believe in.
They stand up to injustice.
They don't take "no" for an answer
when they believe there is a better solution.
They go without so their family can have.
They go to the doctor with a frightened friend.
They love unconditionally.
They cry when their children excel
and cheer when their friends get awards.
They are happy when they hear about
a birth or a wedding.
Their hearts break when a friend dies.
They grieve at the loss of a family member,
yet they are strong when they
think there is no strength left.
They know that a hug and a kiss
can heal a broken heart.
Women come in all shapes, sizes and colors.
They'll drive, fly, walk, run or e-mail you
to show how much they care about you.
The heart of a woman is what
makes the world keep turning.
They bring joy, hope and love.
They have compassion and ideas.
They give moral support to their
family and friends.
Women have vital things to say
and everything to give.♥my heroes are my family and friends. without these people i would not be here. ♥