I've loved, I've hated, I've been right, and I've been wrong,I've been hurt and I've been fooled but I will never stop learning. I learn from my mistakes, I learn from others, and I will never regret anything I've done. It's unfortunate to see how we hurt people along our path, and how we have allowed people to hurt us, but what would we be without mistakes? Our mistakes are what help us grow and what makes us the person we are today. Through lifes trials and tribulations, everything we have endured make us a unique individual. That uniqueness is what makes an impact on the people who enter our lives. I want a life that involves good and bad, beautiful and ugly, right and wrong.I want a life that will bring a smile to my face along with a tear if necessary. A life that feels REAL. I've also come to the conclusion that if in love I have to give my all, if in pain I have to pray for the best, and if in doubt turn to God. I don't like to give up, I don't like to wonder what if? What if... I would've waited, what if... I would've made a different decision? What if... maybe it wasn't supposed to go that way? I've experienced all of the above and I still find hope. Confused..? Well welcome to the real world, everyone has a different opinion and that should be respected. Not everyone is going to like me, accept me or agree with my beliefs. I call that being realistic and letting other people be who they desire.I sometimes tend to think that humans as a whole could be somewhat shallow. My intentions are not to offend any specific gender, but we seek beautiful faces, beautiful bodies, and that's fine if all you want is a fling, or to pass the time, but when it comes down to spending your life together, you should look for a beautiful heart and a beautiful soul. The face wrinkles, the muscles go away, the only thing that stays with us when outer beauty doesn't matter anymore is our heart and soul. I want to grow old with a man who can make me laugh, who can listen to me, who can be my friend, and who can love me above it all. If as a man, you want to conquer a woman's heart try not to brag about the things you own, because a woman who is truly interested in you will not care what you have... but instead brag about the hard work you put into getting what you wanted. And if as a woman, you want to conquer a man's heart, win his mind first and then his body. Any woman can have a man's body but it takes a special woman to win his mind. People tend to switch those two around, why? Well.. because they think sex is the most important factor in a relationship, but reality is that intimacy is your one-way street to the heart.