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To PURCHASE "InnoFuzion" Fuzion You've Been CRAVIN'" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting" Exclusively OWNED by Willie Rivera aka 'EyeIIEye' CEO / Eye2Eye Music, inc. Cont@ct:
[email protected]
For Bookings, Concert Tours, Productions & Management Information cont@ct:
[email protected]
ORDER YOUR ALBUM NOW @ your Favorite DIGITAL Stores!E y e ] [ E y e
'I N N O F U Z I O N' (((THE ALBUM, THE 'BUZZ', The MOVEMENT & CONNECTION))) was Entirely Created by Wil "Eye ][ Eye' Rivera! 2003May GOD Bless YOU, Your HEART with FAITH, WISDOM and LOVE! Welcome the WILL.I.AM "Eye II Eye" RiVer@'s OFFI©I@L ©onne©tion & Album 'INNOFUZION' INspired by the All Mighty ONE who gave ME and all of YOU LIFE, the ONE who made us all EQUAL in eVery Way and LOVES US all the SAME, the ONE who has ALWAYS REMEMBERED US ALWAYS and has ALWAYS LOVED US! the One who has Always Given us FAITH, UNITY, LOVE! 'GOD' JEHOVAHFirst off, let ME INtroduce Myself, My REAL Name is William Rivera, My BIRTHDAY as some of YOU ALREADY have KNOWN ' is 7-22-73, well recently I just turned on 7-22-7 turned 34! Well, let me tell YOU a lil bit about how it all started. Since a very young age, I have always LOVED Music! It gave ME PEACE Inside! It made me happy & ALIVE!Some of YOU have known me for a long time & some just recently opened your EYES & EARS to Our MUSIC NOW, Its all OK its NEVER TOO LATE! Musically I've been recognized as Eye ][ Eye / Eye2Eye / EyeToEye / EyeIIEye and I Created a Concept & MoVement in 2003 that was a VISION and INspiration given to me by the ONE I Pray to every Night! 'GOD'...This Concept which I CALLED 'InnoFuzion=INNOvation of the NEW FUZION! Which as some of YOU know, without realizing it, it had an IMPACTING meaning behind the Words, it was to UNITE all the GIFTED Artist, writers, Producers, ART, FILM, Video, ART, Fans all in ONE! To Express to the Entire WORLD the Greatest GIFT GiVen to US by the ONE who Created HEAVEN & EARTH! To Show the World that WE all are GIFTED, that there is an ART filled with LOVE, FAITH, UNITY, PEACE! We CAN Do this TOGETHER as ONE! With this Concept I had Firat decided to Title this ALBUM 'FUZION You've Been CRAVIN' but then I added 'INNOFUZION' since I realized that the Concept InnoFuzion, The Innovation of the New EVOLUTION of Music began Impacting several Producers and talent in the Industry. Well, I began this album in 2003 and Finished it in 2005. I, thanks to God for giving ME the WISDOM, had the Privilege of learning alil bit of everything from Producing, composing, arranging, writing & vocalizing By 'Willie 'Eye ][ Eye' Rivera'. Since I had alot of passion and faith for music, I decided to take a Risk, to BELIEVE in MYSELF and Do all the WORK on my OWN! From A to Z with TIME, Pacience and FAITH! I put together this ALBUM 'My FIRST' MASTERPIECE that I was blessed to release on my very own label I opened thanks to several people who guided me throughout my life, since I really didn't know much about the REAL Picture of MUSIC, I took the RISK with the great FAITH I had to make a Diference! I always Maintained my ground, My Secret was I have always been HUMBLE, Been ME! I did everything I could do to make my name with recognition but NEVER Forgetting WHO I AM! Just LIKE all of YOU ...the same, with the same Blood, same heart, same faith! And THANKS to all of YOU who BELIEVED IN ME, I got more INSPIRATION and more FAITH to Continue this georney!'INNOFUZION' is AVAILABLE for DOWNLOAD @ all You've Favorite I-Tunes, Napster, Rhapsody, E-Music ~WORLDWIDE~ plus ALL Your Favorite DIGITAL DownLoad STORES!This is the TrendSetting Movement to the NEW Fuzion!!! Fuzion You've Been Cravin'
((Very IMPORTANTLY)) I would like to give a Very Special Thanks & My HEART goes out to all the Wonderful people who Believed in ME unconditionally, who believed in my talent, Album & WorldWide Trendsetting Movement and most importantly for having FAITH in ME! For gathering all these Awesome talented individuals to show the entire world about our Music, our Original Concepts, Rhythm & Melodies that will never die and lyrics that bring back the true inspiration of LOVE & having a good time! Thank You, Thank Youuuuuuuu ALL from the very Bottom of my HEART & SOUL. This Movement has been so important in my LIFE & truly means the world to me & to many of YOU who have worked hard to make a massive IMPACT in the INDUSTRY! & THANKS to all of US 'UNITED' it has Multiplied & Will continue to Grow Day by Day!!! AS YOU CAN SEE & HEAR for YOURSELVES how many have been "INSPIRED" by our MUSIC "RHYTHM" & "MELODIES", MOVEMENT, CONCEPT & GENRE. May God Bless every ONE of You all and continue giving you blessings for all your WISDOM, your TALENT, your CREATIVE DEDICATION & WORK and your PROMOTION! Simply For the love of music worthy of being heard & most Importanly UNITY......This WORD! UNITY means so MUCH, because this is about true dedicated people who not only are truthful, sincere & dedicated but importantly "MAKE a DIFERENCE & STAND for TRUTH!!!! Cheers to the NEW FUZION!!! The ONE everyone of YOU BEEN CRAVIN' Much Love to All of YOU!!!
DJs.....Wowwwwwww! Words SIMPLY just can't EXPRESS how much You all MEAN! Without you Guys & Girls (I say GIRLS Bc I must SAY....There are SOME Tremendous Talented BEAUTIFUL ladies out there in the NETWORK that ROCKKKKKKK! Wow Keep it Up! All of You are the BEST, You truly have made a TREMENDOUS & AMAZING Diference in the MUSIC BUSINESS! When I say DJs, I mean all of YOU IN GENERAL, MOBILE, CLUBS, DIGITL, FM, AM, XM, Sirius RADIO, Local, International...ALL of YOU in the Network have PROVED the WORLD what MUSIC truly MEANS to YOU! Every RACE, every CULTURE as ONE...Because thats what WE all ARE! Here there is NO Diference Because all of US inside & out are TRULY the SAME! God Bless You ALL!
LADIESSSSSSSSS!!!!! MUAHZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz! I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!! XoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxFELLAS!!!! MUCH RESPECT TO ALL OF YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!! THANKS FOR DEDICATING THE SONGS TO YOUR SPECIAL ONE, TO YOUR LOVED ONE throughout the YEARS!!!!!!! I HAVE ALOT MORE WHERE THESE CAME FROM!! THIS IS ONLY THE BEGINNING!!!!(((((NOTE))))) I truly apologize if I don't get Opportunity to RESPOND to YOU Quickly!!!! Sometimes I get a Lil Caugh up @ Work & Don't get the Chance to go through all the MAIL as Quickly as I USED to! Sometimes my schedule gets a lil crazy so PLEASE My Apologies if I may not always get the chance to get to all of you, but believe ME...I have Lots of Love for ALL of YOU! For EveryOne!!! I have a BIG HEART enough for Every ONE! Much Love & Respect!
Wil 'Eye ][ Eye' Rivera
InnoFuzion Music Movement Group (FlashBack)
[email protected] (((CD PURCHASE & FANMAIL)))
[email protected] (((STRICTLY BUSINESS 'ONLY')))
Immediate RELEASE Radios, DJs, Media!
Eye ][ Eye....His latest TradeMark Inspiration & his latest ALBUM Release!!!
Prepare to be Rocked & Inspired by the 'RHYTHM', 'LYRICS',and 'MELODIES' of the HOTTEST TRENDSETTING MOVEMENT taking the Music Industry by STORM!!!
Get ready to WITNESS for yourself the latest & Hottest captivating Rhythms, Sounds that everyone's been talking About WorldWide.'Eye][Eye's Latest Sensual Style & Infectious New Rhythms have made him Unique in his genre, He has Inspired many Musicians, Producers, Artist in every genre from FreeStyle, Dance, URBAN, Pop, Reggaeton and NOW he is crossing over like a virus, contagiously infecting markets never before reached.
Through dedication, Originality, hard work, and most importantly PASSION for his craft, 'WILLIE "EYE ][ EYE" RIVERA' has already earned the support and respect of a vast following of loyal fans and now he is generating a BUZZ throughout the entertainment industry. This Star is destined to shine with his very FIRST full-length Album. 'WILLIE "EYE ][ EYE" RIVERA' is not only a very passionate and talented Vocalist; as amazing as it sounds, this New production was entirely Written, Arranged, Produced, and Performed by this Rising Star!!! He has created a Music Movement that has truly inspired many talented individulas in the Music Industry today.
DECIDE FOR YOURSELF...It Will Addict YOU..It Will Captivate Your Mind, Your Body & Your Soul like NEVER before!!!
It will mesmerize YOU Until it Steals Your heart Away...!!!
EYE ][ EYE's Latest album is titled:
'Inno Fuzion' ( Fuzion You've Been Cravin' )
He is the VOICE behind the hits...
**(((Make It Last
I Promised You
Give Me A Chance
Could This Be love
Real Love
Lost in Your Eyes
My One True Love
We're Meant To Be)))**
He has also work on Background Studio Vocals for talented FreeStyle / Latin Hip Hop artist such as Angelique, Lil Johanna, Lamour, Rei Summers, W & E, Feneli, Diamante.
He has Touched your HEART with beautiful MasterPiece Lyrics with the Multi Platinum Producers Dr.Tony Garcia & Elvin Molina...!! Some of the songs Willie 'Eye2Eye' Rivera has worked on are:(ANGELIQUE) I Can't Live WithOut You / No Puedo Vivir Sin Ti', (LIL JOHANNA) Take Me In Your Arms Again, Selena (Spanish & English Lyrics), Eres Un Nino, Take Me In Your Arms (THE SPANISH RE-MIX),Real Love (Spanish ReMix), Can't We Go Back, etc. (REI SUMMERS) Do You Remember, Alone In The Night (KRYSTAL) LOVING ARMS(N.V.) I Need You Here plus various artist for High Power Records / Funky Melody Records!
Now......This Time
He is HERE with his very own Record Label & Music Publishing (Eye2EyeMusic, inc.) His Very FIRST ALBUM is Entirely Produced & written by the one who will steal your heart Away!!! Willie 'Eye ][ Eye' Rivera
This First album "InnoFuzion" has a versatility of Styles such as FreeStyle, Latin Hip Hop, Funky Melody, Urban, ReggaeFuzion, Dance, Pop & Much MORE including his very own touch of MAGIC filled with the "FUZION" YOU've BEEN CRAVIN'
This is a total New & Fresh Twist of FreeStyle, Latin HipHop & Urban...a New FUZION that will definitely make an IMPACT! And Has Already CREATED A MAYOR "BUZZ" in the INDUSTRY! 'Eye II Eye' Has worked with the Some well respected Multi Platinum Producers such as Elvin "Silent" Molina ( known for all his HITS on MicMac Records & The Very Own Dr. Edit aka Tony "Dr.Edit" Garcia CEO of High Power Records. As you all know Tony "Dr. Edit" Garcia has been known for Smash Hits such as 'Take Me In Your Arms' by the Princess 'Lil Suzy & I Can't Live Without You 'Angelique' plus many more (for more info. on the Dr.visit
Be a part of Eye ][ Eye's InnoFuzion (The Music Movement & Connection)
InnoFuzion = ((('The InnoVation of a New Fuzion "The TrendSetting Style'))).
Be Sure to be a Part of this Movement that has created a "BUZZ" & is Crossing over FAST!!!
His Originality will IMPACT YOU!!!
His Creativity will SHOCK YOU!!!
His Sensuality will ENCHANT YOU!!!
His Passion & Dedication will EMBRACE YOU!!!
Eye ][ Eye will STEAL YOUR HEART Away!!!Eye ][ Eye
Album:Inno Fuzion
..Check out this video: Watch My Wife and Listen very CLEARLY to what she tells You! AT HOME ON FRIDAY NIGHT! I Love You William Orlando Rivera as much as I LOVE YOU! Te Amo
Add to My Profile | More VideosTila 'Tequila' Rivera Eye ][ Eye William Orlando Rivera (((I LOVE YOU)))