My B.M., Rap, Church. My Label, My Group, The Family.
Kanye West,And Jay-Z. Also, I'd Like To See My B.M. More Often.
THUGS, GUNS, & DRUGS ( Not Finished) Deluded thugs are patrolling the streets/ congregating together, wit they fingers on their heat/ That’s how I see it, always wit the boys never alone/remove the guns and your left wit a coward wit no hope/ no ideas, no plans, no thoughts for the future/content wit being cattle, individual thought is exclusive/ You going to claim to be a thug when you turn 39?/Continue to live this and you'll be lucky to see 25/ Gangbangers will claim a mark of manhood is to rock wit guns/same fools end up on mortuary tables punctured by slugs/ I'd never pick up a nine if I had strife, I’d rather write/while you strive to contrive a meaning for your life/ thugs are quick to decimate the physical, than to placate with verbal/thugs are depleted in the mental, independent actions not essential/ Using violence is retarded, it will be pacified over time/Hostile action achieves nothing, progression is made through the mind/ Congesting the street corners, the drug addicts all converge/360 lookout for the law, while they receive some vein surge/ Debt collectors run a city check, looking for the money people owe/They wont take any prisoners, until they end up on death row/ Mass amounts of money spent, but only a limited solution/The long term effects kick in, now there is no resolution/ Don’t expect sympathy from me, its your fault you're in this mess/You didn‘t know you limits, know you'll suffer eternal distress/ Peer pressure can be difficult, especially when you're stray/Remember its easier to tell them no, than it is to say OK/ Involved in wrong crowds, who don’t have any ambition to live/Moments of sickness, how much of your own blood will you give?/ The addiction will never end, so don’t begin in the first place/Don’t live your life based on others, as if you're in a rat race/ The strongest will survive, while the weak will always perish/Support from your loved ones, this is what you must always cherish/ Never forget the reliance of an alliance, people who will die for you/Look around and see paradise, rather than having a simplistic view/ Drugs are the easy option, which becomes harder as life goes on/No escape once addicted, the conclusion is already foregone/ Always think twice, before the temptation overpowers all sense/A few days of minor pleasure, followed by a life without defense/ Walk a better path than an addict, let them trail their early tomb/Make a new fresh start, and evaporate your life cloud of doom/
GOD. Samantha Pittman, Kanye West.